Unusual Birth of guppies

not allways live food isnt checked for deseases and could be fatal to ur fish
LynX said:
o..k im sorri ur pick is just making me laugh everytime i see it :rofl: who the hell is that?
lol, erm, it's Freddie Mercury and Roger Taylor from the video "I want to Break Free" Don't you think Roger looks good? :p
aww that must of been difficult! but i would have just let nature take its place and let them get eaten though... its really good food for conditioning bettas ;) sorri i must sound horrible :crazy: o well i just cant get emotionly involved unless its a betta :)

lol, erm, it's Freddie Mercury and Roger Taylor from the video "I want to Break Free" Don't you think Roger looks good?

umm if he was a women :p hehehehe
I have to go with live food. Most snakes won't eat dead mice and while some people think it's cruel, it's what happens in the wild. You don't see old mice lining up to get frozen so wild snakes can eat them. I myself love fish but my tank is set up for a carnivore. I have guppies in there that are meant for food and I'm breeding them for food. However, as I told my best friend, I'm not just sticking them in an empty tank with no place to hide, they have plants. If my fish is hungry then he's going to have to get a hold of the weakest fish in the tank by himself. It also helps in getting the best fish for breeding because the fastest and smartest fish live and get to breed. Trust me, the smallest guppy in there is a tiny male feeder and he has yet to get eaten because he's quick. But to those who don't want to feed their fish other fish, then to them I will say do whatever you want as long as you don't step on me for what I do. :D
hehe yeah besides if u keep all of ur fry alive sooner or latter your gonna just kill them cause the tanks over crowded, so if they get eaten they get eaten, i say the survival of the fitest, atleast that is if there not a betta :p, hmm it seems allmost all of my fry has been eaten i only see one in there, yet again they are usualy hard to see when they hide in the ferny plants

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