Unusual Birth of guppies


New Member
Jun 5, 2004
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has anyone seen this during the birth of guppies?
instead of a complete living guppy being birthed..but a small deformed one?
along with balls? almost as if still in egg form?
also had one guppy folded into a ball..but did not live and remained half unfolded
like to see if anyone else as seen these unusual guppies from a birthing?
I saw a picture of this the other when I was having a surf for information on guppies, I'll see if I can find it. From what I read it sounded fairly common
Just remembered, I didn't like that site. It was all about the breeding and not about caring. They talked about culling the less attractive fish! :crazy:
its almost liek theyre doing experiments on them :eek: :angry: :sick: :no:
umm u guys do kno they sell guppies as live feeders dont u?
I know Lynx, but only the less attractive ones, so that's OK :angry:

Maybe there's a market for guppy cosmetic surgery :fun:

It does seem cruel though to sell them live. If you were to buy a mouse to feed to your snake for example you'd have to buy it frozen.
so isnt culling deformed or unwantable guppies better than feeding them to other fish?
o..k im sorri ur pick is just making me laugh everytime i see it :rofl: who the hell is that?
One of my platys did exactly the samr on the weekend. She gave birth to about 20 deformed/dead babies. We'd put her in a breeding trap, it stressed her out so she gave birth prematurely befor the young were fully developed. So they ended up as sushi for the other fish :sad: But you learn form your mistakes -no more bredding traps!
yer and if uve got a well planted tank most of them survive anyway... i kno this because ive raised many guppies in a community tank from fry
kitty falol said:
Just remembered, I didn't like that site. It was all about the breeding and not about caring. They talked about culling the less attractive fish! :crazy:
Culling is a necessity when breeding fancy varieties of many species. Most notable of these is goldfish.

It MUST be done. Its a fact of life. Deformed fry would not last in the wild, why try to change nature?
kitty falol said:
It does seem cruel though to sell them live. If you were to buy a mouse to feed to your snake for example you'd have to buy it frozen.
Live food means just that..........live.

My old oscars would never chase and eat a dead fish......

And 99% of the snake world feed live mice. I know that my guys wont even think about eating a frozen mouse.
HUH wat r u smoking? lol
wat about frozen brineshrimp or frozen blood worm?

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