Unpopular Opinions (fish related)

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I actually believe some fish can live in smaller than 5 gallons. It has been done by many, but you just have to pick the right ones, examples: scarlet badis, some killis, or maybe some brigittae rasboras.
All the serious Killi breeders I have known had tanks less than 3 gallons. for their breeders. They would have multiple stands with 20-30 tanks per stand.
Plants seem to love it managed to turn a few into many plants in a short term.

Downside is its very light and corys will uproot anything that isn't rooted.
I have it in all my planted tanks, just locally in the areas that I plant, the corys have not uprooted any plants. The biggest trick is to let the plants establish roots before introducing any fish to your new aquascape. After that they are in for the duration.
Apistogrammas!!! There impossible to keep my water parameters is perfect and I am still struggling
what species of Apistogramma do you keep?
what are your water parameters & temperature?
what are the tank dimensions and what does it look like?
what symptoms do the fish have when they die?
where are you getting the fish from?
what are you feeding them?
Black diamond blasting sand isnt suitable for bottom dwelling fish!
And live bearing fish are the worst, especially sword tails and guppies, mollies and platies are less annoying but not much.
I agree that livebearers are annoying. Not too long ago one of my male platies bit ALL of the fins off one of my females. She couldn’t even swim and died before I even had the chance to euthanize her myself. I just don’t like them in general, not because of that one incident but that certainly didn’t help my opinion
I think guppy babies are toooo curious because every time i do a water change one gets sucked into the bucket…

good thing i have a sharp eye for those kinds pf things

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