unoffical DOTM!

opcn said:
So its not really a Danio of the Month Competition but rather a Pauls favorite Danio Competition.
I hadn't thought of it that way Bren. mmmm
so do all you guys want it to be a public vote?
If so Am I allowed to enter? :dunno:

If its a public vote you want then o.k I have no problem with that
lets do it :thumbs: (I want to enter then :nod: )
very new to this... and yes.. they ARE goldfish in the tank as well... ;) this would be like the 2nd (??) photo i've ever taken so give me a break if it's not up to the standards needed :p Look forward to getting some better pics :p


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I'm alright Withyou entering Paul so long as its a fair cmpatition and you dont pick th worste pics from other ppl.

And perhaps Mr. O'Driscol can become part of the banner aswell.
all pics entered will be up for voting, providing that....

A; they are of the fish in question (no old men and such)
B; they are owned/were owned by the postee (no internet pics)

Remember I have done a lot of research on Danios and I have proberbly seen any picture that you find on the net. I have seen 1000's granted but I have download all of them :p
I think a public vote would be the way to go, remember to say it's an unofficial comp tho hun.

I dont have Danios myself but would definately vote in a poll!!!
I think a public vote would be the way to go, remember to say it's an unofficial comp tho hun.

I dont have Danios myself but would definately vote in a poll!!!
What danio's a danio fan? You don't say? *grins*

Nice pics by the way :)
Danio of the month

As you can see its quite a good picture of a danio,the eyes are clear and the scales apear to be close to the body :nod:
Cat thats a great picture but I must query as to the identity of the owner. the long and the short of it is that I dont thinkyou own that danio methinks your trying to cheat :p

He he he :kewlpics:

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