Unmodified "bottle Tank" Entries

DRB said:
And here some of us are wondering how to get a nice planted tank, and you nail it in a 2L coke bottle lol
I am wondering too!!! That's why I was saying this has been very surprising, interesting, but almost frustrating to watch this silly little bottle thrive the way that it is lol....   :)
Zikofski said:
well gone green i am impressed
Thanks Zik!!!!!
mike455555 said:
i'll give this comp till Monday and if greenmumma  still stands unopposed by then she'll win =] 
 Sounds good to me! Did no one else do this one??! C'mon guys!
i did set one up and it was going well, but it died, iv heard from i think it was sam and his died as well, and no message back from the other entry 
That's a bummer. I would have liked to see what everyone else came up with...
you saw my starting pic, the HC grew to cover it all and fairly tall, i had to trim it down, then the stargrass rose up and came forward i should of got a pic of it but i forgot 
Yep, it looked great!!! I wish I took a starting pic to show the progress... Oh well, next time we'll be more prepared ;)
iv got starting pics of my modifed one 
yer its in the voteing poll after the comps finnished i'll upload before and after 

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