Fish Addict
At my LFS off in the back, where they have overly aggresive fish, and much larger the occasional surplus of tropicals. But one thing catches my eye. This fish is housed in a tank with a 15" plec and about a dozen red devils. He looks scary and mean...but I wish to provide him a home eventually(after I make more money and be able to buy my 90 GL)
Hes been in there for like 3-4 years and its sad....He is maybe 6"-12"(?) and looks something like a short bichar and much(very much0 like those living fossil fish....Coelacanth I believe....any info guys?
Hes been in there for like 3-4 years and its sad....He is maybe 6"-12"(?) and looks something like a short bichar and much(very much0 like those living fossil fish....Coelacanth I believe....any info guys?