Unknown Knife Fish

I only paid $30 for it. :good: The place I got it from definitely did not know what it was, which helps me!

Oh no, it gets enormous! 141cm! What the heck am I going to do with it?! :crazy: Do you think that is even a right figure? 141cm = Almost 5ft long... it doesn't sound right. Oh well, great fish, no matter what. Thank you all for helping with the ID!
I would say return it right away. Or find a public aquarium because I doubt anybodys gonna be able to house that thing.
from looking at other sites I'd say the stated max size would be appropriate.
such a shame that many never reach this size due to inadequate housing.

I agree start looking now for a public aquaria or zoo that you could donate it too
another possibility may be a university for them to study the electrical aspects of this fish.

as far as I can see the only way to sex them is by their electrical field
(800-1000 hz for males, 600-800 hz for females However, in Sternopygus macrurus
individuals, the females exhibited higher frequency signals (120.1 for females, 66.8 for males) )

for now, enjoy 'him' but start to plan for his future :good:
BTW this is one of the two possibilities I was thinking of earlier, which is why i needed to know if the fin was top or bottom :)
I haven't picked him up and I was going to go to the LFS to tell them that I wanted my money back and I was going to show them the FishBase article about it. Wolf, you have a great idea about giving it to a university. Being in Florida, many universities have an ichthyology dept, mostly dealing with marine, but I know there are freshwater depts as well. I will email the universities in the area, seeing if they want to study this magnificent animal. It's such a shame that I can't house it. 4ft+ is just way too large for anything I will ever own, I can tell you that.

I'll let you all know if I hear anything from the universities, etc. :good:

EDIT: Does anyone know of another species of knife fish that would be different from the standard clown, ghost, etc, that would fit in a 72in x 18in x 24in? (LxWxH)
Does anyone know of another species of knife fish that would be different from the standard clown, ghost, etc, that would fit in a 72in x 18in x 24in? (LxWxH)
how about a few glass knifefish Eigenmannia virescens (32cm wild)
or if you are very lucky you may find a Banded knifefish Gymnotus carapo (60cm wild)
both of these are starting to appear regularly in the trade, at least in the UK they are.
The carapo was the one I really had my eye on as well. I thought it would be too large for my tank, though. I'm not too worried about not being able to get it, because one of my favorite LFS can order pretty much anything for me, because the owner is a. the nicest guy and b. he really knows his stuff and hand picks his fish. Also, cichlidexchange.com has carapo listed, but not in stock, so there is a possibility of getting them from there.

EDIT: Whoops, it's actually a Gymnotus coatesi on the cichlidexchange.com
I hate double posting, but I thought an update would be worthwile.

I have received credit for the knife fish at the LFS, because I never heard back from any universities. It was such a shame to let the fish go, but there is no practical reason for me to hang on.

I have visited one of my favorite LFS's (the one I mentioned in the last post) and the owner said that he could get me a carapo pretty easily (he says they're actually quite common... but I've never seen one! :unsure: ) The fish should hopefully be in next Thursday. Also, I pick up my 125 on Friday! I'm really excited. :)
i'm glad that you returned the knifefish, thanks for the update.
must have pics of the carpo when you get him :nod:

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