Unknown disease


Fish Fanatic
Oct 9, 2003
Reaction score
Barnsley, S. Yorks UK
Several of my fish are currently affected by a mystery ailment. I have scoured the web to attempt to locate something to pin the disease down to. Unfortunately although I have located some of the symptoms I have not found anything that covers them all.

It all began at the weekend. And yes I have to hold my hands up and say I have been very busy and have not done a water change for some months. I am sorry but my life has been hectic. I know poor water changes are the cause of most diseases that can occur.

However i am stuck with the situation. On discovering the problem I changed 7.1/2 gallons from the 40gal tank. I added a dose of Myxazin. The next day i did the same water change again and added the same dose. Yesterday I did neither. The fish look much happier now but here are the symptoms:

2 of my 3 spot gouramis have bloated bellys but seem happy.

1 of my 3 spot gourami has redness to the rear of one pectoral fin and a little cotton wool/strandy white stuff around the rear base of both pectoral fins. However seems much happier since water change/treatment and redness is reducing.

2 glowlight tetras bellies swelled up, they swam uncontrollably and unfortunately died.

1 dwarf gourami developed kinked spine and went into "death skulk". However since water change treatment is now swimming around.

Although all fish seem to be on the mend i would appreciate some advice. I have resisted adding any more meds just in case as I know too much can be as bad as none at all.

Any help would be appreciated.
The fish with the bloated stomachs can they maintain there balance in the water, tryed some shelled peas and daphnia, what do you feed your fish, also you have fin fungus add some salt if you have no scaless fish and use a fungus med, how big is the tank, what fish and how many, keep up with water changes as when you let a tank go desease sets in.
The fish with the bloated stomachs can they maintain there balance in the water
The ones that survived can yes. It was only the (now deceased) Glowlights that could not.

tryed some shelled peas and daphnia
Not yet is this a good idea?

what do you feed your fish
Tropical Fish flakes

also you have fin fungus add some salt if you have no scaless fish
I have four bronze corys so can't do that

use a fungus med
Added some Myxazin - that's fungus med isn't it?

how big is the tank
44 UK gal (190 litres)

what fish and how many
It's all in the signature

Had a feeling people would struggle to help me on this one - I have asked at the LFS and they are stumped by it.
Have you checked the water parameters? I have a friend who went through very similar problems and tryed just about every medication on the market. I tested his water and the nitrate was as far as it could go.
I think Myxazin prob. a good choice...
Was what you added the recommended course of treatmt? If not, I would go at least one full round, esp. as you seem to have had a bit of good result?

bent spines often associated with Fish TB...largely considered incurable. :(

As for not using med's, Melafix may at least help to close up any open wounds, if any (gourami).
Beyond that, keep things clean...gravel-vac, feed on the lighter side, etc.
Also you will need to feed your fish a better diet than tropical flakes, they need frozen foods and veg in there diet, as to many dryed foods cause dropsy and swim bladder problems.
Thanks for all your advice. Here is what I am going to do. I will do another water change and then add some more Myxazin. I will feed some more varied foods. I already have frozen bloodworm but don't normally feed as I hate the icky stuff! Also did someone say shelled peas? I once tried to feed unshelled peas and ended up with pea shells everywhere!!
The peas, daphnia are suggested remedies for constipation...possible cause for the bloat.
lol It's not confetti, it's pea-shells!....try n put them all in one place, the trash...bio-trash, if you have it. ;)

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