unknown disease


New Member
May 12, 2003
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i had three dolmtion mollies one male and two females and i noticed a couple of dayes ago that the three were acting funny they wouldnt move no matter what the male just floated there and the females sat at the bottom. i decided to quarentin the three and put them in a three gal. tank the temp was a bit cooler and i noticed that the three were acting like they were getting better. but yesterday morning i found the male almost dead he could not swim and i had to kill him to end the suffering :( . now the two females wont eat and one has a like bubble coming out of it face around its eye and i think it has pop eye but none of them showed any singns of that when i qurantined them. now the female with the pop eye cant swim and it looks like her gills are enlarged and she is breathing rapidly. the other female is still just sitting there.
Yes thats pop eye, and I had a gold fish, that had that, but and didnt eat, and it was because it has also the cotton mouth, but at the beginning I couldn't see it very well, so probably they have both.. or I dont know but why dont you type in yahoo: tropical fish diseases
Then it appears a lot of pages, one of them describes all the diseases, and you will see which one is..
I will help you tomorrow to find it (but is 2 am)
Dont worry,
Good luck !!!
Hi li1cheese

Your fish could have TB. You can treat this with Isoniazid + Kanamycin + Vitamin B-6 Treat for up to 30 days.

If your fish do have tuberculosis, you need to take care, as it can be passed to humans. If you have cuts on your hands, wear gloves when working on the tank.
I found this, so you can go to the store and buy something for "Dropsy" infection.
Good luck!!

Dropsy is a bacterial infection that can attack the internal organs. This bacteria seems to only affect fish weakened by bad water conditions, stress, etc. Excess body fluid builds up making the fish appear bloated and the scales protrude outward from the body. This disease needs to be caught early to have a good chance of successfully treating the fish. Symptoms: Bloating, protruding scales, exhaustion, isolation, loss of appetite.
Treatment: There are commercial treatments available from any fish/pet store, but it must be diagnosed early.

I found this too from a fish expert:

SYMPTOMS: The body will have general swelling and the scales often protrude, resembling a pinecone. The eyes may also bulge. Dropsy is a bacterial disease that attacks almost all the internal organs of the fish, causing fluids to concentrate in body tissue or cavities. Tuberculosis causes similar symptoms as Dropsy.

TREATMENT: From what I have read, Dropsy is not very infectious, although I have never been able to cure it. The best treatment for this is gram negative Antibiotics such Furan or Kanamycin Sulfate. I have also read that Maracyn-Two may be used. Treatment in a hospital tank is recommended

Run to the store and start treatting your fishes right away..
Good Luck, and keep me posted with news!!

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