Unidentified Swiming Object...


New Member
Mar 5, 2006
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Could you please help me identify the type of fish below. It was the only 1 of its kind at the pet store and even they didnt know what it was!

Ive never seen a picture of one, Ive never seen another one in any pet store.

It's around 2.5 inches long

Can you help?


Thank-you both, case is closed and its defo a Panchax.

Just read a few pages and it turns out that we have also solved another mystery 'the case of the dissapearing neon tetra'.

I wondered where they had got to.....
Could you please help me identify the type of fish below. It was the only 1 of its kind at the pet store and even they didnt know what it was!

Ive never seen a picture of one, Ive never seen another one in any pet store.

It's around 2.5 inches long

Can you help?



omg its a sunset panchax. vary rare fish in the ornamental trade, how much did you pay for it?
Are you sure? According to Google theres no such thing...
yeah,i went into my LFS and asked to look at there order list and they were on it for £65 so i thaught "what the hell" and ordered one, i waited 5month for it then i got told it was one the way i went in and spoke to the guy who deliverd their fish and he told me i was lucky to get it as they hadnt had them in about 8months. i was a lil annoyed that i had payed £65 for a redish panchax when i could of had a gold or a blue one for about £3 lol.

dont forget that the common names of fish vary like a black tetra is some times called black widow tetra, and also there bala sharks called silver sharks.
Thats crazy money. I think I paid less the a fiver although as I said, the staff at 'PAH' didnt know what it was.

Here's a beter pic, are you sure its 1 of these that was £65?

Its a wicked fish, possibly my favourite as hes the only fish we have that gets excited and comes to the glass to see you. He'll even let you stroke him!!

it looks almost the same tho mine had a deep red belly ( could be the M/F diff). mine was awsome aswell i saw it running around with a glob of frozen blood worm that i droped in by accident, spitting it out coz it was cold and grabbing it b4 my discus could get to it lol. shame that its a annual fish tho :'(
I just ahd a look around the net and found a detailed spec on the mystery fish. Check the price at the end :eek:

Common name: The Golden Wonder Panchax
Scientific name: Aplocheilus lineatus
Synonyms: Panchax lineatum, Haplochilus lineatus, Aplocheilus rubrostigma, Aplocheilus affinis, Haplochilus rubrostigma, Aplocheilus vittatus, Aplocheilus rubropictus, Aplocheilus lineolatus.
Origin: Found in Asia - mainly India and Sri Lanka.
Size: 10cm/4"
Water chemistry: Tropical;neutral to slightly acidic and soft is best.
Diet: These fish will take live foods and flake foods although insects are their natural food in the wild.
Aquarium: 90 x 30 x 30cm/36" x 12" x 12" is the minimum size recommended for one pair.
Stocking: Males are territorial towards each other and so are females. However, it is possible to keep several pairs in a tank as long as the tank is large enough.
Temperament: Although a predatory animal it is believed that the Panchax only attacks sick or weak fish in the aquarium. Even so, it is best to keep them with similar sized species.
Breeding: This is a plant spawning killifish, eggs hatch after 12-14 days and the fry a large enough to feed on baby brineshrimp when they first hatch.
Notes: This interesting species is surprisingly cheap in price and would make great specimens with several pairs as the only fish in a tank. Exercise caution when choosing tankmates for this species - similar sized tank mates should be fine but I would be wary of adding smaller specimens - just in case they start disappearing!
Price:Around £2.00 each

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