Unidentified Snail Creatures!?


Fish Crazy
Oct 16, 2011
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Voluntown, Connecticut (U.S.)
So i bought a used tank from a pet store down the street that was going out of business. It is working very well and was an excellent value. The only thing is, after i filled it with water i started noticing curly shelled snail things all over, atleast ten of them. What are they? Should i be concerned or should i be happy with them? the tank was empty of water for like a week so i dont know how they survived
Probably snails, they are really hard to kill.

Do i want to kill them?
Thats up to you. I quite like my hitchhiker snails and their numbers stay inline by themselves. Sometimes snails can over run a tank, but it usually due to waste management issues. They are very prolific and will breed in proportion to available food.
lol they certainly can be killed individually. Some species are more fragile then others. Sure you can reach in there and squish them. But as a whole snails are very hard to get rid of, with MTS probably being one of the harder ones. Most snails though are very prolific breeders and are asexual too.

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