Unidentified Cat

ok look this is really annoying me now. you cant really give an accurate description as you are describing a gastromyzon loach to the T, youre saying "its a black fish with white dots". look on Planetcatfish. there are hundreds of fish that are black with white dots. and now you have no idea what it is and youre going to buy it. i will bet that it ends up being a hillstream loach or pleco.
....so did you buy it and have you got a pic of it now?
GOT IT!!!i know what it is.a spotted raphael cat.they tend to be a small fish eater so its a no no

o.its just a spotted raphael
It's a Raph? and they called it a Stingray Pleco?

Fish stores and their stupid habit of inventing names to make the fish sound more exciting.

It's best to get the scientific name if you can, that's why I wrote this:
:X A Dora named a stingray?? You have gotta be kidding!! I have two striped doras. Actually I fully expected them to tuck into my endlers when they moved but they haven't touched them. I have far too many livebearers in the 55g imo and didn't mind a few being taken. As it is the only eater of them is the angel when they are still tinies. And I get plenty escape. :X
I've yet to come across any spotted varieties near me. It's always the striped. I'd love a couple of spotted ones. :wub:

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