Unexpected Snail In Tank

If the pond snails are harmless to my kribensis eggs I might keep 1 as they are quite nice to look at and I only did not want them In my tank as I thought they would hurt my kribensis eggs. Can these snails breed without another one like normal snails or do pond snails require two snails to breed from Tom
They need 2 snails to breed. Though I've read other reports that say otherwise...
They don't need another snail to breed, I wouldn't be surprised if it'd already laid eggs somewhere
Great what can I do to get rid of the snails in my tank as I don't want to buy an assassin from Tom
Try putting a piece of cucumber in the tank overnight, there should be snails on it in the morning that you can dispose of.
Do it a few times to get as many as you can though tbh once you've got snails it's very hard to get rid of them without using chemicals
Ok I will try the cucumber thing but I'm really against using chemicals so that will be a last resort. Are there certain places in the the snails like to hide from Tom
I have not seen a snail in the tank since Monday so hopefully they have all been removed from Tom

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