I went to my dad's today to grab my two fishtanks for prospective linking together design, and I found that he had a bag with 10 tiger barbs in it! He told me that his friend's mom couldn't keep the fish tank she had any more and gave the barbs to him. HE told me to fix up one of my aquariums for them. I have decided to link my two 100 gallons together instead of the 150g an dthe 250g. It will look more symetrical. For now, the oscars and tinfoils stay in those two bigger tanks. Anyways...I began work on the tanks today after buying the proper supplies, hood, lights, plants, you know. The barbs are in a spare 10 gallon for the time being. Pictures to come soon...I have the holes cut an dthe tube ready, yet I can't find silicon at my lfs. I need to keep lookin.