undregravel filter?


New Member
Feb 13, 2005
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I recently brought a 1 gallon tank for my platty to stay in while shes pregnant,the tank comes with an undergravel filter.My question is,are undergravel filters safe for fry? -_-
I would recommend that you use as fine of gravel as you can get away with in a fry tank. The reason is with coarse gravel they have a tendancy to get stuck in it looking for a place to hide. In my fry tank I covered the undergravel filter plate with a sheet of filter foam and attached it with a needle and fishing line. It's wedged tightly into place to avoid a crack between the edge of the foam and the glass for the fry to get stuck in and holds it in place so that I don't have to weight it down with rocks.

In my opinion an undergravel filter is much safer for fry than any type of power filter which can suck them up and blow them around.
I used to use an internal corner box filter, (those things with the polyester wool in them), in my fry-raising tank. But, discovered that an undergravel filter is fine, providing the airflow up the up-lift tube isn't too fast. Guppies in particular like slow-moving water and don't like swimming, "up-stream", so to speak. I've never personally had any problems with any fry getting stuck in gravel.
A UGF needs medium sized fravel or it will not function properly. Fine gravel or sand can't be used as they will also clog the openeings in the filter plate in addition to impeding the fliw needed for the bacteria.

While live bearer fry may be ok with a UGF, most fry should be raised in a bare bottom tank.
I agree i have had a better success rate with my bare bottom tank then with my gravel bottom tank.....they are not official results but that is my personal opinion...and i have never seen a dead fry in a bare bottom tank....I cannot say the same for a gravel filled tank :(.....I also use an internal box filter that uses the cotton and an air pump....This I have found to be the most effective way of keeping a fry tank clean enough in between water changes :D

Good luck with your fry and i hope you have fun watching them mature :D
Thanks for the replies,im still waiting on my platty to give birth but I have another problem,I found out that my molly is also pregnant :eek: .Shes in the community tank now and im afraid the intake on my filter may be too strong,is their a way to cover up the intake area so my fry wont get sucked up it but it still cleans the water?
wrap a piece of panty hose or stockings around it and then secure it with a rubber band......that should help :D

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