undivided male and female


Fish Addict
May 11, 2004
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new jersey
well i took out the divider betweenmy malew and female today. he flared at her twice and the both swim around doing their own thing happilty not bothering each other. the male doesn't seem interested and he has not started a nest yet. they are in a 2.5g but they are fine and i have a net ready.
I had a male and female living together for a long time as well....with no breeding whatsoever...she just used to nip at him every so often and that was it. Good luck having them together though, it's nice to have more than one in a tank....as long as they are nice to each other. :p
slamster17 said:
well i took out the divider betweenmy malew and female today. he flared at her twice and the both swim around doing their own thing happilty not bothering each other. the male doesn't seem interested and he has not started a nest yet. they are in a 2.5g but they are fine and i have a net ready.
Good luck Slam!

Keep an eye on them mind. Dont want your next post to be a sad one!

Catch u later.
freshmike said:
I had a male and female living together for a long time as well....with no breeding whatsoever...she just used to nip at him every so often and that was it. Good luck having them together though, it's nice to have more than one in a tank....as long as they are nice to each other. :p
I had a male and female together one time for 2 days and they killed each other. :(
the thing is im trying to breed them. the male seems uninterested, no nest, the female just swims all over happily. he has only flared at her 2 or 3 times and he just chased her a little bit but they haven't hurt each other.
my fish won't spawn :-( :angry: :sad: :/
they have been undivided for about 3 hours now and still no nest.
anybody have any help for me?
slamster17 said:
my fish won't spawn :-( :angry: :sad: :/
they have been undivided for about 3 hours now and still no nest.
anybody have any help for me?
patience........I tried to release on my first attempt the first day and he just chased her. i divided for another day and let them look and then they mated almost immediatley. I am attempting another spawn tonight with 2 fish. I tried one pair last night and no luck. I guess sometimes it isnt meant to be LOL......I am doing another pair tonight. Be patient and maybe divide them a little longer, sometimes abscence makes the heart grow fonder. :D :hey:
if nothing happens by 5 tonight then i'll put the divider up again, good thing im home today. i think he needs some fishy viagra
im curious as to why you are using a 2.5 gallon for breeding.
i have seen some expert breeders use small tanks before but if this is your first time, i would go with a 10g. did you condition them? are there plants in the tank for the female to take refuge in? (such a tiny tank would need a great deal of hiding spaces)
Jac- i know it is small. there are live plants. my 10g is currently in use by incestuos guppies that i need to get rid of. i have read up on it and it is very possible to breed bettas in a container as small as a milk jug or a pitcher of iced tea. i have also read about them breeding in a puddle of water in someones basement. i conditioned them for 3 weeks they have been in the same tank i think the male has gradually lost interest in the female because i kept them together either that or his age. he has only made maybe 3 days ago very very small spase bubble clumps you can't evn call it a nest. i did everything most breeders do.
errr...just go buy a 10gal. they are only 8-10 dollars. is there a heater in your 2.5 gallon?
just because it is possible for a betta to breed in a tea pitcher or a puddle doesnt mean you should! i could live in my bathroom with my whole family but i wouldnt be happy :(
i think often when we read things about the minimum whatever, we think it is acceptable. i guess its human nature to do that.

im just thinking if its a 2.5 gal and you only have it halfway full then theres only a little more than a gallon in there? that worries me. :(

yes-if they have been in the same tank with a clear divider for that long, most likely they will have lost some level of interest. condition them in seperate tanks (or 1 tank with an opaque divider) and let them see each other for 15 minutes a day.

do you have a pic of your breeding tank?
no but the tank is full i don't have the space for another large tank right now as im setting up a larger one to use for the fry if the pair ever decides to spawn. i do not need a heater the temp only drops to around 70 at night and is in the high 80s low 90s all day. the fry tank will have a heater during the winter and fall. i know the tank size isn't very good but it does work and they do not seem to be bothered by each other at the moment i think i may take out the female put her with my other female and put her back with the male in a few days.
That temperature needs to be constant and if it's dropping that much you'll have a hard time even getting your eggs to hatch let alone the fry surviving.
at the risk of you calling me a nasty name again, im going to tell you that some of the things you are doing might be considered...wrong
70 degrees at night? no no. i havent had a betta spawn in anyhting under 76 but maybe my fish are just picky...
im not sure how you dont have space for a 10 gallon tank. even a 5 would be better than a 2gallon.
do you have a filter?
if you cant afford a 10, at least go get a rubbermaid container for 3 dollars or so.
how do you know your tank size will work? have you had successful spawns in that tank before? dont go by the fact that someone else might have had success.

i also dont recommend putting just 2 femalse together. if there are 3 or mre, the aggression is more evenly spread out so just one wont get beaten up all of the time.

im just trying to help :)
jac- the night temp out side drops that much not inside. i live with my parents i think that explains the space issue its bad enough that my guppy fry tank is on my bookshelf. i purchased one of those aquaview or whatever knockoffs by topfin with no filter or light that has a divider and i had my females in there so there is no feminine aggression. i know it is a small tank but the fish have not touched each other. they each swim around and mind each others company. he chased her for a couple seconds and stopped he only flared at her twice. if i need a heater i have one that i can use. just because your fish won't breed in a small tank doesn't mean that mine won't.
sorrell- the temperature in my house is very constant and i will use a heater if i need to.(if i ever get them to spawn)

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