Underwurldes - Diy Auto Top Off Project

Peri-pumps can pump crazy high, but their flowrate is crazy low... What you need is a pump with say ~3m of maximum head pressure. That'll prolly be around 1200LPH pumps. A maxijet 1200 would work well for this application.

The "equation" you're thinking of is generally refferred to as the "pump curve". Which usually has Head Pressure on its Y axis and Flowrate on its X axis. In all cases, as head pressure (height water pushed up) increases, flowrate decreases. Most affordable centrifugal pump curves are relatively linear, although some are more logrithmic. All pumps have a maximum or "shutoff" head pressure, a value for which they will not pump higher. Below the shutoff head pressure, increasing tube diameter will actually lower head pressure and allow it to pump water faster. There is a point of diminishing returns in this (largely depending on length) but generally if you use tubing the same size as the pump fittings, you'll be good.

Edit: Andy, I'd love one of the boards, but something tells me the equivalent parts that I find here in the States won't be of the same form factor and prolly won't fit ;). Thanks so much for the offer, but it'd prolly be wasted on me. I'll just use a through-hole tab board and do the traces with wiring underneath. Won't be as clean but it'll work :). Mercifully the current isn't that big here, so I can prolly get away with this.
:lol: My measurement estimates may have proven to be a bit excessive! The height is actually 1.5m so as Ski said, a Maxiject 1200 which has a head height of 1.7m should be fine (and they are not badly priced!)

Will get one on order and get it all fitted, now the temperature controller (ATC-800) is working fine I'm evaporating a fair bit....
now the temperature controller (ATC-800) is working fine
Yay! Did you send the cap mod off to that other chap (can't remember his name now).

Yay! Did you send the cap mod off to that other chap (can't remember his name now).


Hi mate,

Its sitting on my desk in front of me, will be posting it at dinner. Fingers crossed it sorts his problem!! Will update that other thread in a while with some of the post locations of others experiencing the same problem... :good:
Things have gone quiet!!

I order a eHeim pump with the correct head height and it still has not turned up. I've left the auto top-off unit running and everything seems to be working fine. I have noticed that when the T5's and pumps kick on/off it triggers the unit to pump for the preset time. Is this is a false positive through the 12v switches?

Well, Andy, I'm gonna try and get this built here in the states without fancy schmantzy PCB. Toughest part is going to be finding all the parts on the list... Hope I can find most of it
Hi Ski,

Good luck mate! I've not got anything to add yet, the stupid pump has still not arrived and the eBay seller is ignoring emails... They are a shop so I've fallen into their dispute process now.
American parts / English parts, same thing.... Let me know if you do struggle or want part comparisons etc.

May struggle with the Box though...

Heh, enclosures are the easy part, I've got plenty of those. Got some protoboard too to make this easy. Toughest components to find will prolly be the relay and maybe the rectifier. I'll be having a look the next couple days, hope to have a parts list up for you to peruse eventually just to doublecheck me.
Ok Andy, found the rectifier, found the ICs, the regulator, all that, not too much trouble. I am however having trouble with the diodes... Those part numbers don't turn up on a search through our suppliers over here, so could you give me some specs on them so I can just pick one similar?
Weird! American stuff very similar if not the same as the UK. The only place on the planet that seems to use different part #'s is the far eastern chappies.

1N4148 diodes have to be the most common off the shelf diode on the planet! I am 100% sure they are available in the states (where are you sourcing your components from?? - sack them!). These are just silicon signal diodes, ANY diode will do. Have another look around, I cannot believe you cannot source them in the USofA. (Check that part number... ONE-N-4148). Alternatively, 1N914 or 1N4448 etc.

If you want a spec on any component, add 'datasheet' to Google search, eg, search for '1N4148 datasheet'.


PS Our #1 major customer my company supplies to is American. No part of my design process is to approve parts availability in the US, and the products I design must be field serviceable 'over there'. It really is a given that if I source electronic parts in the UK, they'll be available in the USA.
Huh, interesting. I'm using Newark electronics for sourcing components as most of the rest of the electronics suppliers require minimum orders of a lot of components. I guess they just dont carry the IN4148. I kind of assumed it would be a simple diode, just wanted to check with you to make sure there was nothin fancy about it. Found 1N914 though. Now I just have to choose the parts that are somewhat different over here (120VAC and all) sockets, A/D transformer, and relay. Almoast done, thanks Andy :D
Ok so slight issue, finding a 15VDC board-mount transformer may prove to be a little bit difficult here. Doesn't seem like it's a popular voltage in board-mount. Could I use a 12VDC transformer in-place such as this one? Or will the mosfet power regulator not function on only 12V supplied?

If not, I can find a multitude of 15V transformers with wired ends that I suppose I could modify and use. Lemme know what you think Andy, thanks :)

Edit: also if not, would an 18V transformer like this one work?
sorry, 15VAC minimum I reckon. 12V out from a lin reg won't stand 12V in... It's not loss-less :crazy:


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