Underground Tunnel


Fish Herder
Mar 13, 2004
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Searching Lake Ontario for tropical fish...No luck
I was wondering what you guys think about my idea of making an underground tunnel for my fish. I would use plastic pipe. It would go down at one side of my tank, and up at the other side. I would make it wide and make sure the pipe is sturdy. Half way, in the middle their would ba an additional exit. I would have to put another layer of gravel but oh well.

The only reaosn I though about this was because I was planning on getting a Clown Loach, an I wanted him to have a place to hide.

I obviously would be paranoid when my fish was in it but I think itd be pretty cool.

One more thing, is maybe I could havve it flush with tthe wall so I could ALWAYS see if my fish were swimming in it.

Just an idea, please share your thoughts with me:D
The pipes might be too long. I just use 2 PVC 90 degree elbows connected together. I also glued some of my gravel, using aquarium silicone glue, to the outside of the pipes. I also glued some of the gravel on the inside, near the opening too. I then buried the pipes, leaving about 1/2 of the opening of the covered and put some plastic plants almost in front of the entrances so it appears to be covered by the loaches. Without the plants, the loaches stay deeper in the tunnel and you will not see them. Having a slightly covered entrance makes them feel more secure and you can often see them peeking through there.

Loaches like to squeeze into tight places and also like dig, so if the opening is covered with too much gravel, they will dig a bigger opening. I bury the rest of the PVC pipe with the gravel so you can't really even tell it's there.
THAT SOUNDS COOL!! Being a big fan of DIY i think it would be awesome!!! :hyper: :hyper: . I would reccomend getting a clear pipe if you can find one that is :blink: so that way you can see your fish when they go through the little pipe. Anyway, it sounds like a great idea.

If you do make one you should post pictures of it, I'm interested to see the finished results! :thumbs:
This is what I would do.

1) get a length of your favorite diameter PVC (black) Too much is ok cause you will use it plenty.
2) for this project get 2 "T" joints with each end being the same ID as your PVC OD.
3) Measuere the Inner length of your tank (inside side to inside side) Add 3 inches, subtract the length of the T times 2. Thats the length of your pvc, cut off that amount.

Stick together and shove in PVC... tada

The advantage of this would be that you could look from the side of your tank into the tunnel You could even put a piece of tape on the top of a black paper scrap and use that to "cover the holes" if you want to normally give them privacy...
Not only does it look cool to watch them in there, but it is nice to know they are ok without ripping the whole thing down.

Top view
Back of tank


Front of tank
(ou could of course add as many T to the projecet as you like).

Back of tank


Front of tank

You can use white PVC to see the critters more... less natural look, but in the dark of a cave it should matter less, I would guess. Still the T part should be black as it will be poking out of the substrate and you want that to look as natural as possible.
I just have some T burried under the rubble, but I WISH I had done it this way.
Next time I will :)
Do you guys have any pictures of your tunnels? Im trying to get some ideas for my self, and i can't quite visualise what i want.
I like your idea Adrinal, I'm going to try it in the 30 gallon I'm setting up.

here are some pics for ya


and another DYI project that is just as good (though in the end I do like the plane old undergravel the best (if you have enough substrate to do it).
Stinky Linky 2
What About Using Pepsi or Cola Bottles.

I Use them In the Pond to Plant In and I Make Tunnels with them for the Danios and WMC I keep in the Pond.

The Pond I gunky ATm and No fish in it. but the Bottles aren't seen by the naked eye as they are see thru. And if Yo Use the Large 3ltr Bottles you can Get then they are more Sturdier.

PS you Can Glue Gravel to them as well without any Problems.

I Also Use the 1.5ltr Bottles to Climatize new Fish to the Pond.

Dont use Tizer/Tango/Lemonade/IrnBru/And Other heavily Bouquayed Drinks Bottles as they take too long to evaporate the Drinks Smells.

What I do Is Wash them out very thoroghly and hten leave them in the sun so that the toxins and Smells Evaporate, I do this a few times to make sure.

You can Also use the Bottles to grow Larvae in as they Mosquitos will use them as well and they are easier to store. I just line them up against the Raised Planters and let the sun do the work.

You Are not Paying for Piping you are just recycling the Bottles.

Small Cola and Pepsi Bottles 400-500ml make Interesting Tunnels for the Fish as Well and Can be Used for Planting Live Plants.
if you are gluing to them ya thats a great Idea. For quick caves in a sick tank the pvc is nice because its black and it sinks.

If you are using bottles I would suggest leaving a line of sylicon glue around the cut edges...as that stuff can be sharp!!!

also you want to be sure to get all the glue from the lable off.

as far as using the bottles for growing crud in ... heck ya right on.
Here is a good idea:

2 90 degree elbow PVC
1 straight pipe PVC

cut everything in half the long way so that one side is open aired,

Glue gravel and whatnot to the inside of all the pipes and possibly the outside (where needed)

Place the piping in the front of the tank, with the open end against the glass. Use your elbows in the corners of the tank and run the straight pipe along the glass. Bury everything with gravel or hide it however your little heart desires.

If you do it this way tada! you can always see the fish in the tunnel. And, since you put gravel on the inside of the tunnel, it will still look nice in the tank.

Also, I think it would be neat to put larger stones on the elbows so that it resembles some sort of well. It would look funny watching fish swim out of there.
I have access to the clear tubes that hold the cups on water coolers and used this for my loaches ( I have 11 in a 90 gal). I cut it in half and used glue to connect them and ran it across the front of the tank. I took another tupe and cut a hole in it for a 90 going up to the surface. The only problem is it collects debris a lot. I also looked at hampster and gerbal tupes to cut them in half.
What about acrylic Spaghetti jars.

They can be cut and Glued together. t make long viewing tunnels.

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