Underdeveloped Fry?


New Member
Jan 4, 2012
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:crazy: my swordtail gave birth this morning, this is the thing. its been 3 mths since she last had babies and has been lookin very prego for bout 2 mths. I noticed the dark thing under her belly was a lot bigger and put her in the birthing net. This morning she was having them and 4 out of 5 were dead, they just looked like round balls with eyes. So after she started eating what few were alive I put her back in the main tank. My questions is why is she having what looks like underdeveloped fry and some are normal when she was preg so long. She didn’t seemed stressed…..
Ive heard that sometimes this can just happen, I think it could be to do with the breeding net, They really stress the fish out.
so i have read they can abort their pregnacy, does stuff still come out or do they just not have them? I think for now on im just gonna let them have the fry in the tank. I guess its to late to really kno y or how to prevent it. :( but at least i got maybe 15 :blush:
I've never used a breeding net or trap.
Stress could be a reason why she's not having healthy fry
My tank has lots of hiding places, & quite a few fry survive.
If you intend saving most of the fry every drop, you're soon going to be overrun with them
Yea I think for now on im going to just let them have them in the tank. No I dont plan on keeping them all I have plans for most of them :D
I had the same thing my sword gave birth to about 10-15 babies that I seen and i only found 1 live one the rest didn't even look developed I don't know if there was some liveones that are still Hidding in the tank because I missed the first half I the birthing and the one fry I found seemed to be much bigger than a normal fry
This happens occasionally. They were probably weak fry and so didn't develope. Nothing to worry about.
I don't think the net would have made a difference. If she wasn't in there all that long, then the fry would have been developed already. They can't develope and then undevelope. Those ones just weren't meant to make it. Same as in humans unfortunately.
It could be either the stress from being in a net, which is quite common, or insufficient nutritients while she was pregnant.
Feed more variety of foods in case food has something to do with it.

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