"Under gravel" filter question.


New Member
Nov 7, 2003
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Cambridgeshire, G.B.
I've got my tank up and running tonight. However it's all been passed on without any instructions. The question I have is about the under gravel filter. I've got the plasic trays under the gravel, an up pipe heading, well upwards. Into this up pipe I was advised that all I need to do was drop the stone ended tube from the air pump. However what I see is a line of bubbles travelling back up the pipe (they are rather differently sized). I understand that the idea is that the water is sucked down through the gravel where bacteria will deal with the fish produced nasties and then it is pumped out the top of the pipe. Will the trickle of bubbles actually do this and is there any other filtering I will need before I start introducing some fish to the tank? Also I can't see any part of the current set up (that appeared to work well for goldfish) that will clear out the physical rubbish. Is this something that vacuuming the tank will deal with? :/
Magnar said:
I've got my tank up and running tonight. However it's all been passed on without any instructions. The question I have is about the under gravel filter. I've got the plasic trays under the gravel, an up pipe heading, well upwards. Into this up pipe I was advised that all I need to do was drop the stone ended tube from the air pump. However what I see is a line of bubbles travelling back up the pipe (they are rather differently sized). I understand that the idea is that the water is sucked down through the gravel where bacteria will deal with the fish produced nasties and then it is pumped out the top of the pipe. Will the trickle of bubbles actually do this and is there any other filtering I will need before I start introducing some fish to the tank? Also I can't see any part of the current set up (that appeared to work well for goldfish) that will clear out the physical rubbish. Is this something that vacuuming the tank will deal with? :/

Congrats on getting your tank up and running! Sometimes they can be complicated to figure out...:p :nod: :)

My one gallon tank game with an under gravel filter (UGF). I had it in there for awhile, but after a week or three I removed it. I haven't put it back in and won't. I've decided I don't like UGFs. It kept the water quite clean...the tank water looked great. However, all it did was pull the mess and waste to the bottom of the tank. Extra food and fish waste will decompose over time and give off toxic chemicals. It is also hard to clean a tank with a UGF, I'd imagine, as you'd have to suck all that dirt and crud from under the gravel and under the UGF. I don't know how well that would work. I never used the gravel vac in my tank with the UGF, as it was a one gallon.

*My* suggestion, and other people may have different suggestions, would be to remove the UGF and go get a filter that hooks on the side of the aquarium and a gravel vac.

It sounds as if you got the UGF set up correctly, though. You even explained it well! :D Explaning some of this fish-tank stuff can be difficult :nod:

Before adding any fish you will want to "cycle" your tank, i.e. get enough waste-eating/processing bacteria established in the tank before adding fish so you can prevent high levels of toxic chemicals such as ammonia and nitrIte. If you go to the Beginner's Forum and look at the pinned topics, you will see one about New Tank Syndrome/Cycling, written by AlienAnna. I highly recommend that you read it.

What size tank do you have? What kind of fish do you want to get? I just *love* setting up new tanks! It's so much fun to plan and arrange and re-arrange... :)

Keep us updated on yoru progress and feel free to ask questions!

aka Lizard
Thanks for the reply. The tank and most of the equipment is off my brother so it doesn't come without any instructions. He kept gold fish in it (which later went on to live in my parents garden fish pond). I've added a heater to the two foot by one foot by one foot tank (10 - 13 gallons) to get it ready for tropical fish. I also added a new roof and lighting as the previous one didn't fit or light for real plants.
Also in the bag, but not used, is a carbon based "box filter." As a newbie I'm not sure if this is a better idea than the "under gravel" system or should be used in parallel.
I'm planning on getting a shoal of neon tetras as the main display. Vivid blues are popular at my house. Also some "clean up" fish like the cat fish and possibly some shrimp. If anyone has any good suggestions in this direction I'd be pleased to hear.
What sort of filter should I go for if the "under gravel" isn't going to do the job? (I've spotted a difference in opinion aready, so a few more opinions won't hurt)

Also for the first batch of fish (assuming the filter is up to standard) how many neon tetras and "clean up" type fish should I ask for from my local garden centre/pet suppliers?
Magnar said:
Thanks for the reply. The tank and most of the equipment is off my brother so it doesn't come without any instructions. He kept gold fish in it (which later went on to live in my parents garden fish pond). I've added a heater to the two foot by one foot by one foot tank (10 - 13 gallons) to get it ready for tropical fish. I also added a new roof and lighting as the previous one didn't fit or light for real plants.
Also in the bag, but not used, is a carbon based "box filter." As a newbie I'm not sure if this is a better idea than the "under gravel" system or should be used in parallel.
I'm planning on getting a shoal of neon tetras as the main display. Vivid blues are popular at my house. Also some "clean up" fish like the cat fish and possibly some shrimp. If anyone has any good suggestions in this direction I'd be pleased to hear.
What sort of filter should I go for if the "under gravel" isn't going to do the job? (I've spotted a difference in opinion aready, so a few more opinions won't hurt)

Also for the first batch of fish (assuming the filter is up to standard) how many neon tetras and "clean up" type fish should I ask for from my local garden centre/pet suppliers?
A 10 gallon tank is what I have :nod: I have a Whisper (might only be a US brand though) 5-15 filter for it. Is there any type of name or numbers on the "box filter" that came with your tank? Yay for getting a heater and new lighting! As far as what filter you'd want to get...someone from your area of the world will have to answer. I'm not sure what brands are available over in the UK, seeing as how I don't live there :D

Clean-up crew: I suggest Cory Cats (Corydoras) and Ghost Shrimp! I have both and think they're great! Cories like buddies and I've seen people recommend no fewer than four. I have three in my tank right now and am looking to get another Panda Cory when I find one. Tetras do best in groups of at least five, I believe.

aka Lizard
Thanks for the reply. The box filter is a "Junoir Boden-Filter" with an activated carbon base and a fluff top, made by Hagen. Is this an optional extra to the gravel related business?
I want to make sure that I'm fully tooled up for any actual fish.
I just Installed my UNder Gravel Filter Last Night and Got my new 115 gallon Ready to Go...

Under the Advice of a Friend Who has a UFG, I installed mine with two Penguin 802 Reversible Power Heads (each Rated up to 400 gph)...

The Idea was that, with my Tank being as tall as it is, it would get difficult to actually vacuum it with the Gravel Vac, and this way I could Just reverse the flow and Kinda Blow a bit back out for The Main Filters to clean...

Not sure how this is gonna work, but we'll see soon... :nod:
Magnar said:
Thanks for the reply. The box filter is a "Junoir Boden-Filter" with an activated carbon base and a fluff top, made by Hagen. Is this an optional extra to the gravel related business?
I want to make sure that I'm fully tooled up for any actual fish.
I don't have any experience with that filter, but I'd imagine someone on the board does. Maybe they can help you out. I believe Hagen makes good products. You can always go to Google, or some other search engine, and look for info about the filter you have. Look at the info for the Hagen filter and for the UGF and see which you prefer. :nod:

aka Lizard

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