This morning, I pulled everything from Bozo's tank. He attacked me every time I put my hand in the water. Head butting and even a couple of tail swaps. He was quite serious about not wanting his stuff removed. He was equally obnoxious when the stuff was returned. He did not like how the hollow log was set up and began to pile ricks around it.
Bozo, a Blood parrot, is a very aggressive creature. We have had to remove a fairly large BN Pleco, the Neons, and three full-grown Dalmation Molly from his tank. He chased them incessantly. He is a beautiful fish but has an ugly disposition. He now resides as a hermit and seems to like it that way.
Bozo, a Blood parrot, is a very aggressive creature. We have had to remove a fairly large BN Pleco, the Neons, and three full-grown Dalmation Molly from his tank. He chased them incessantly. He is a beautiful fish but has an ugly disposition. He now resides as a hermit and seems to like it that way.