Uncureable Fungus !!! tried $100's in meds@!

Your basically gonna have to get the fish well before it's gonna stop.

I would suggest trying different medications. Otherwise you might at as well Euthanize the remaining fish to ease their suffering (as I'm sure being eated alive by Fungus is not the most pleasant way to expire) and start all over again, after nuking the tanks. :/

Sorry for your losses, I k nwo that's gotta suck something fierce. :byebye:
Salt!!! This is the only thing which has cured the fungus in my tanks. One well-rounded tablespoon of aquarium salt per five gallons of water. Salt baths also work really well. For disinfecting the tanks I would scrub with concentrated salt water and then use bleach afterwards. Sorry for your losses. :-( :byebye:
That's what I think too. Salt is an amazing thing when it comes to fungus. I would salt the tank as well as doing harsh salt baths. I don't usually recommend them in the least, but at this point where you're losing your fish anyway I don't see how it can hurt further :/

Dosing is 1 tsp per cup of tank water. Dissolve the salt completely and then "bathe" the fish for 10-15 minutes at a time unless it passes out. The fish will be fine once it returns to the tank and you can do these baths 4 times a day.

This may help your fish live longer while you try to get the tank under control -_-

Good luck, I'm sure that is really frustrating :(
with the fungus in the tank it is ver unstable and it makes it easier for other things to attack the fick i finally got this newest one cured(that was killing the fish) but still not the fungus.
Don't think salt will do any thing with the fungus in the tank, try a pond med and work out how much to add to your tank, that all I can suggest.
the pond med ill look into thoes

and about the salt

i tried putting some of the "freshwater" salt in on of the tanks and it didnt seem to have any effect.
after about $230 in useless over priced meds :(

copper sulfate did the job :D
Glad you have manage to sort it out, good luck.

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