Unanswered Questions About Betta's

Why is he poorly? Do you know?

He looks like he would be quite striking when he's feeling vital.

The vitals in fish care are clean water, good food and clean water. I love to feed my fish a main diet of live food like blackworms, supplemented with good quality prepared food and some fresh veggies. For Betta that is a piece of smashed pea. It is important to make sure Betta are not constipated. A fast and a pea are good parts of their regimen.

He looks a little thin though, does he to you?

Phil, I'm reading back your thread and this isn't about the food. I think your Betta is not eating and that indicates a different problem.

Tell me some things about him: What were his first symptoms? How often did you say you change his water? How do you do the water changes? Is there any unusual behavior?

Make sure he can lay someplace where he can get to the surface easily to breath. I think he looks tired.

I always try a piece of pea while they are still eating, just in case.

A little salt in the water is said to help gill function. I don't know if it helps Betta.

Change your thread title or start a new thread and ask for help with a sick fish--unless you already know what is wrong and have a plan of action.
Lets just say he wasn't very well taken care of when I got him about a week ago.

Since then, I've done tons of research.

I've been feeding him pellets and bloodworms. How often should I feed him some pea? I suppose I should crush it up small enough for him to eat. Should the pea be his whole meal, or should I give him some other food at the same time?

His appetite seems fine now.

I cleaned his bowl, gave him fresh water, conditioned it, added salt and bettafix. The bowl holds just over a liter (1/4G). Tomorrow it'll be about a week since then, and I'll be moving him into his new home. A 5.5G tank, heated, with filter, it also has some salt. I'll also add some Java Moss as soon as I can find a store that sells it.

Side Note: Now that I've gotten a lid, I was able to fill the water up to the spout of the filter, and the water flows into the tank so perfectly now, that you can barely even tell it's working. Here's a pic of his tank before I got the lid:


You can see how much of a disturbance the filter output created.

Here's a pic with the new lid, more water, and waiting for it's new tenant:


I'm actually very excited to put him in there.

In the past few days, he seems more active. He opens and closes his mouth alot as he wiggles back and forth. He even seems to respond to me and my actions. I had no idea that Betta's were such amazing pets.

Even though I've done tons of research, any more advice is MORE than welcome. However, I commonly hear that the best treatment is clean water and good food. So hopefully what I've done will make him happy.

The next challenge will be cycling his tank.

Thank you all,

He'll look awesome in his new home. I'm gad he's coming around for you. You scared me for a moment.

Once a week is the accepted wisdom for a fast day. I usually make that a skipped meal and a pea meal. I don't know which is suppose to be first when they are well. I nuke the pea, shell it, mash about a quarter of pea between my fingers for each Betta and drop it in. They like their pea usually and take right to it, wrestling it to the ground like a lassoed maverick. I give more if they want it. Don't leave any though. They go bad.

Betta Rule! They indeed become attached to their caretakers and eachother in odd ways.

Ask ral about the Betta Walker.
I am sure your betta will love his new home. I do have a question though. Are those silk plants or plastic plants? Sometimes plastic plants can tear bettas fins because the edges are sharp. Betta's fins are very delicate.

If they are plastic I would keep a close eye on his fins to make sure they aren't getting torn.

I am really glad you are willing to research your pets needs. Welcome to the addicting world of bettas :)
The leaves in the back of the tank are silk, but the plants attached to the rocks are made of plastic, and actually have some sharp edges. I'm aware of this issues, but wasn't when I purchased these. I haven't been able to find any nice accessories for the tank that are made of silk. Would it be okay to keep the rocks, and tear out the plastic leaves and put in more silk leaves to make up for it? Or just a Java Moss... What about those silk lillies? I've heard some people say they work out well.

Here's a pic of him in his new home. He's doing lots of exploring and swimming all around.


The flash of the camera kind of gives a hint to what his natural colouring might be...

I've also noticed that he's also got some discolorations on his fins, and he also has no ventral fins (as far as I can tell).

How long do you think it will take him to fully heal?


Nice tank. Nice fish. Nice owner.

What a Nice combination :lol:.

Anyways...lol...about the evaporation...

Yes, you should refill it when you notice it has dropped.

Yes, you should always condition any water that goes into your tank (just put some stress coat in it or leave some sitting out beforehand).

Yes, you should still change your water on the regular schedule, even if you have added fresh to the tank.

Just because you add fresh water doesn't mean the ammonia (and/or mineral) levels will go down..all that means is that water has evaporated from the tank..leaving the ammonia behind (it doesn't evaporate nearly as quickly as water does)..along with the minerals from the water. The purpose of doing a water change is to reduce those buildups from the tank, before they become harmful to your fish. :nod:
I think I see some ventrals in a couple of pics. They are clear. Betta often keep them close to the body?

He got chewed up all right. But I think he's starting to color up for you.

Do you have some gravel or decor from the first tank that you could stick in. It could have started some bene bacteria to help the cycling. Gravel that's recently used can be bagged in panty hose or something and hidden behind something. If there is any media from an old filter, it would have bacteria. Anything in a prior tank will help the process. I have also had good success using Bio-Spira from the LFS. I don't like to wait if I don't have to. :crazy: :shifty: :sly:
I think the fins in the pictures are his pectoral fins, they come out the side. Here's a better pic:


I've also removed some of the plastic leaves, the sharper ones that he kept swimming next to.

He seem to enjoy swimming up and down, in an "S" pattern, up against the sides of the tank. What does that mean? Is he seeing himself in a reflection?

So far no issues. He seems to spend most of his time near the heater and filter intake for some reason.


My betta in my 5g does that all the time. He's been doing it for a few months now and he's perfectly healthy so I don't think it's much to worry about. As for the gravel, does it glow? :lol: I've seen them selling that exact colored gravel down in my LFS that glows.
Yeah, don't see any ventrals in that pic.

My heavier tailed Betta boys like to wrap, swish, and draw their tail across things. I think it's like stroking a silk blouse. I think it feels sensual to them. Just me. Maybe he wants some live blackworms, and he's showing off for you. :p Those big tailed boys do love their tails, and they expect you to love them too. :D

Some of mine are up against the heater and filter too. They like warm water. The betta also like to lean on and sit/lay on things. I think it serves several purposes. Check the tank temp. I know mine are low to keep in check and eradicate a culimnaris infection. I will raise the temps soon now.
He could have lost his ventrals a number of ways...first and foremost..they could have been damaged when he was a fry, or he could have a severe case of fin rot. I've had one where his ventrals came up missing over night.

If you're up for helping the fin rot, try adding some aquarium salt to the tank @ 1 TBSP (Tablespoon) per gallon.
I think java moss is a great idea for him. Another good plant that they absolutely love is cabomba. Ambulia is almost the same as cabomba, but grow well in low light conditions. I also use water sprite and java fern in my tanks. They absolutely love live plants. I really recommend using them.
Live plants are the bomb! It takes a while to develop a good stock though and extra research, knowledge and requirements. I've found it good to have a good stock of good artificial plants to help get a tank going.

But a nice bunch of Anacharis or some plant that needs no care or gardening is always welcome in a tank by any fish.
Thank you so much for your replies so far.

I went out today, and got a lid, it takes two bulbs, I opted for 15W instead of 25W (because of heat generation). I got clear, but they came in other colours, and I was wondering if there's any advantage to using a different coloured light.

I also went out and got him some more food. The only brand I could find of the recommended brands (recommended by you guys) was Hikari, so I got these:


Crude Protein - min 30%
Crude Fat - min. 4%
Crude Fiber - max. 5%
Moisture - max. 9%
Ash - Max 10%

How does this compare to the Wardley's (health & nutrition-wise)? (FYI: The pellets are smaller)

I just fed him some, and he ate them RIGHT AWAY. Phew. He didn't seem interested in the Wardley's anymore, so I guess I've found a winner.



PS: Another quick question!

How does loud music affect betta's. He's in my room, and I listen to my music pretty dern loud, will that be a problem?



That Food is great for bettas, No Betta I have ever Owned has ever Turned it Down. Not even fussy Females.
PS Welcome to the world of Betta, Let the Addiction begin.

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