Ummmm.... Are These Eggs?!?!


It's only forever; not long at all...
Dec 23, 2004
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Well well well well... After what has probably been 6 months of trying to get this pair to spawn, using every trick in the book, i think it's finnaly worked.... And when I wasn't trying too hard. I didn't even condition them in the 'proper' way (ie, just fed flake like I normally do, but a teeny bit more), and the female was in the misfit community tanks (with the fish I like too much and.or are too aggro for the 40g), and for some reason, this made her very full of eggs.... So I thought I;d give it a go. And now there are, um, things in his bubblenest, and she looks like she's been on a diet...


Spawn tank as it is now, with daddy patrolling his territory. As you can see, it's a bit of a state... reckon I could do a water change, mainly to syphon some of the crap off the bottom?

The nest and t'objects.... The photo doesn't show them too well, but tis a cluster of pale yellow round objects. I don't think it could be anything else...

These fry should be purdy :wub: Parents are SD siblings, both white bodys with pale green fins, their other siblings all had white bodies with mixes of green, red and clear fins (and some blue, as in the other sibling I have).... Speaking of which. Assuming they were laid sometime this afternoon, when can I expect them to hatch, and when should first feed be? Theres willow moss in there, so there should be some infoursia, but I also have Liquifry No.2, 'green water' and good ole egg yolk. And can put some BBs on soon (when?)
Before anybody mentions time and responsibility etc. I know :) Done plenty of reading, which has gotten me into the fun genetics side, I'm just a bit nervous.... Considering I've never had the chance even to rear livebearer fry (darn danios, preds etc), it's a bit different reading about it than actually doing it.
They should hatch tomorrow night. You can use 36 hours (plus or minus 12 hours) as a rule of thumb.

You’ve probably already noticed some eggs falling and being retrieved by the male. When they hatch they’ll look similar but with little tails. The male will do all the work for the next five or six days so, sit back and relax for now.

Sounds like your well prepared. I know it’s nerve racking, especially the first time, but you’ll do fine.
That certainly does look like eggs to me too! Congratulations :hyper:

I find mine hatch from about 26 hours onwards. I start BBS on their second day after hatching so they are ready for the third day and free-swimming. I also pop some microworms in there for ones that can't get the bbs.

As for water change, I usually leave that till they are a week old but you can turkey baster the worst off the bottom :nod:

Good luck and can't wait to hear you have wrigglers :D

Can we have pics of the parents?
Nothing's hatched yet, so either later or tomorrow :) But, Mr. Daddy has been naughty :( Seem to be suspiciously less eggs, and he has a big round belly.... So for now, he's in a cut off Pepsi bottle, what would be a good plan for the fry? I've hear to lower the water level, but is that right? How low? I did a quick guesstimate, can't tell through the bubbles, but there should be at least 50 left.
Have not tried to hatch any without daddy, I always trust him that he's taking the unfertilized ones out so that the whole nest doesn't get affected :nod:

Good luck with them :good:
Well, since he's a first timer, and thus far has been pretty hopeless, I'd rather make sure he doesn't eat any more (looks like he's eaten over half... :S). I'll look up some stuff.
Man, that stinks. I’ve heard the same thing about lowering the water level. I’ve also heard of putting them in a shallow pan and gently stirring often to keep fungus at bay. Maybe someone who has actually done that will reply. The males will move the eggs around in the nest but, I’m sure you couldn’t have overlooked that many eggs.
when that happened to me i just left the eggs alone. and the only ones that didnt hatch were the ones that were clumped together. so stiring, moving them around probably isnt that bad. btw the water level was at 5 inches and at the wend most of them had fallen to the bottom. they still hatched. but im no expert so be careful what u do.
Well, no eggs have hatched that I can see. I let the dad out for a bit, he went round collecting, then promptly ate them... A lot of eggs are on the bottom, I'll see what i can put back in the nest, but I mgiht as well leave them and try again in a few weeks now thay the pair have got the hang of it.

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