Um. I am confused.

im guessing its the short fins, because plakats are closer to the wild type of betta found in rice patties..
Can't be...I have 3 short-finned males...and no one has ever refered to them as plakats....I was just looking at Q's new plakats and I have 2 that look exactly the same.....hmmm.... -_-
No. See....I am the one who is confused...this is MY confused thread. YOU are not allowed to be confused. You are supposed to know everything and I am the person in need. Yup. :p :lol:

"They" are reputable fish stores. :nod:
cutecotton said:
isn't short finned males = plakats? :D hahaha your confusing me :lol:
technically, "plakats" can be ANY bettas. in thai, "pla" means fish, "kat" means to bite. ie. "biting fish".
traditionally, "plakats" refers to short-finned bettas. wild bettas like spendens, smaragdina and imbellis are all considered plakats;)
by the way "plakat" is pronounced "bplah-gaht"
:D Thank you bkk. So I guess everyone is right then. :lol:
The lfs that sometimes has them by me calls them "round tails"

I thought it was play-cat
Can you break down that pronunciation a little more BKK?
i jus call them placats...

anyways... short finned males dont look like 'plakats' ..

they just seem like deformed versions of the splendids..

not actually deformed, just look deformed
Sorrell said:
The lfs that sometimes has them by me calls them "round tails"

I thought it was play-cat
Can you break down that pronunciation a little more BKK?
you would have to hear my wife (who is thai) say "plakat" to understand it i guess. the thai language confuses me on a daily basis :lol: when she says it though it's definately more of a "b" than a "p" sound, blah-ghut (2 distinct sounds). the "kat" is pronounced "g" not "k". like "gut". blah is not long like blahhh blahh blahh, just "blah or "blaa". ;)
bkk_group said:
blah is not long like blahhh blahh blahh, just "blah or "blaa". ;)
eek im still confused. i have always said play-kut with the emphasis on the play. is this wrong? me no understand :(

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