So, i'm in my local pet shop yesterday, and there are at least 2 common goldfish with serious bacterial infections in a tank of about 25 fish, many of them also have white spot. In the fantail tank- one has TB... my question is this- do they just have to suffer, or is there somewhere the shop can be reported? I mean, the RSPCA don't have the authority to take disciplinary measures (i.e. confiscate the fish or close down the tanks)- am i wrong about this, or is there an orgaisation that can?
So, i'm in my local pet shop yesterday, and there are at least 2 common goldfish with serious bacterial infections in a tank of about 25 fish, many of them also have white spot. In the fantail tank- one has TB... my question is this- do they just have to suffer, or is there somewhere the shop can be reported? I mean, the RSPCA don't have the authority to take disciplinary measures (i.e. confiscate the fish or close down the tanks)- am i wrong about this, or is there an orgaisation that can?