Uk Pet Shops...


New Member
Jun 8, 2008
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So, i'm in my local pet shop yesterday, and there are at least 2 common goldfish with serious bacterial infections in a tank of about 25 fish, many of them also have white spot. In the fantail tank- one has TB... my question is this- do they just have to suffer, or is there somewhere the shop can be reported? I mean, the RSPCA don't have the authority to take disciplinary measures (i.e. confiscate the fish or close down the tanks)- am i wrong about this, or is there an orgaisation that can?
rspca have a cruelty advice line you can call

here's a web page with more info

they certainly have the right to go in and investigate complaints made against an individual person, i ssupect this will extend to shops as well but I'm not 100% sure.... will do a bit more digging
if any animal is kept in inappropriate conditions and diseases are left untreated it is a direct contravention of their pet shop license under the pet shop licensing act 1951, you can report breaches either to the RSPCA or to the local authority who granted the licence (i.e. the local council). Either body should investigate, if the investigation finds evidence of mistreatment then they could be fined, have their licence revoked or ultimatley could face a prison sentence.

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