I was joking.
I know.
I was joking.
Hi can I ask where you get your fish from as I am interested in purchasing a dwarf gourami again but want to make sure its healthy and not carrying DGD. Thank youI don't buy fish from the stores due to a variety of reasons, mainly mobility issues
I buy online and have all fish delivered. Doing it this way, I feel, carries a bigger risk since you do not actually see where the fish come from unlike the store where you can see their living conditions and pick up any potential issues visually before making your purchase.
I am not going to name the company concerned but my first online purchase went terribly wrong. The fish arrived either DOA or struggling. All of the fish were undersize, thus obvious to me they were far too young to be travelling anywhere let alone overnight in courier vans. They were poorly packed, leaking bags, too little oxygen, no heat packs (this was mid winter on a frosty night/early morning). They have a DOA policy of 7 days with refund/replacement upon receipt of photos of dead/dying fish. That actually in reality meant nothing since they shifted the blame to everyone including myself and the van driver and the refund/replacement was infact a credit note.
Lesson firmly learnt. Company's local authority notified.
My supplier now has been magnificent. They do not import fish. They have their own breeding facilities and will not put a fish up for sale until they are as sure as they can be that its healthy and of a high enough standard to cope with transit. They double bag all fish in oversized bags, in the 5 years or so that I have used them I have not had a single fish death either after transport or once arrived. The fish are packed with utmost care, very healthy and active right from the time they arrive and I open the box. If the company has any disease issues, which is inevitable when handling large numbers of fish, or fish born deformed...they do not sell the fish. Deformed are euthanised, any disease outbreak and that particular fish type is removed from sale immediately and they are either treated or euthanised. They have a 14 day DOA policy that carries an actual refund or replacement, not a credit note. They take diseases very seriously. They took their entire stock of DG's off and as I was thinking about having one, I asked why and they said that a fish brought in from another UK breeder was showing symptoms of DGV after quarantine, so they decided to withdraw all DGs as a precaution.
After the first company let the fish and myself down I made sure that whoever I chose next to supply me with fish had all the right paperwork, could provide date stamped photos of their facilities (since I am unable to visit in person) and that they husbandry was of a high standard.
Whether you buy from a store or online, you can never be 100% sure of disease status in fish that you buy, but there are ways and means that you can lessen the risk, even if that means paying more for a fish online than you would in a chainstore. Actual tracing and back tracing disease is also alot harder for the big chains by virtue that they buy in bulk at bulk prices, whereas some online suppliers have their own farms/facilities and can therefore be far more careful in checking for deformity or disease and thus which stock will make it to point of sale and which will not.
I buy 90% of my fish from Aquatics To Your Door and have not had any issues with the health and welfare of the fish from there in all the years that I have used the company. They are based near Gatwick Airport but not open to the public currently, its order online and courier delivery only. They are a very reputable company and easy to speak to for advice etc.Hi can I ask where you get your fish from as I am interested in purchasing a dwarf gourami again but want to make sure its healthy and not carrying DGD. Thank you