UK MEETING!!decision

do you think there should be....

  • 1 meeting for everyone

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 2 meetings, for one ppl up north, one for south

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • or other

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I'd like to say 1 meeting for everyone, but I appreciate the problems for people like Cheesespecialist up in Newcastle.
Like I said before, I can offer to drive a couple of people, but I won't go too much out of my way to do it. If someone is in the general direction of where I need to go, then I can collect them, or if someone can get to me, I can take them on from there. Obviously it depends on the day and place, but the offer is there!! It may help some people
i think two meetings would be efficient for those who are young like myself(16) and cannot yet drive or travel to the other side of the country.........
i no many ppl arent allowed to travel too far or ..... cant really
This whole meeting thing was an idea that arose in chat one day. It was just a nice thought that maybe once a year we could all gather toghether (in person), have a fun day out at a theme park or aquarium or just descend on some lfs's.

I realise that there are many age groups on here and many people have trouble getting to far away places. It was just an idea for a bit of fun but it's becomming more trouble than it's worth :( .
I feel at his moment in time two meet ups would be a better idea. One for the northerners and one for the southerners.

I wish to no longer have anything to do with arranging this and therefor no longer wish to be pulled into any more disscussions on the subjet.
Just post where and when each meet up is happening and I will try my best to be at one of them. :unsure:
see too much pushin and someone or somthin will crack.. :grr:

i arnt realy bothered where it is.. if u dont want/ cant come then fine, dont. :/

theres no need to keep postin more an more topics polls on this, or someone else ordering all amounts of different meeting places dunno:

who evers idea this was, i suggest u get a bloody big map of the uk spread it on the floor, get a penny close ur eyes an throw it in the air to land onto the map... where ever it lands we meet up!
or post one last poll listing a huge name of places that might be of interest, and let the ppl who are commin decide.. the place that gets the most votes win, if its a joint win then do another poll with just the two that have one... come on guys its so simple to do, why do u need to squabble over it?

then just name a date.. if ur goin go, if not then thats it! :D
!calm it doown.................. i was fed up with all this and ppl were sayin that they couldnt come to london cos they are up north, n others were sayin they cant go up north cos they are in london so......
2 meetins would be sensible
ok how bout for southeners near london

the london zoo or aquarium or both!

opens - 10 am
closes- 5:30 pm
cost adult- £13
cost child- £9.75

opens- 10 am
closes- 7 pm
cost adult-£8.75
cost child-£5.25
I'm up for the London Aquarium. i've never been there, and would love to see it. Might get me a bit more excited than I already am about my trip to the maldives in febuary as well!!!
Only problem I see with that is that by the time we're finished, the aquarium may not have any fish left as we'll have taken them all home!!!!!

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