

Fish Connoisseur
Feb 21, 2004
Reaction score
Long island, New York
Ok, i took out some krill to feed my Gudgeon (see sig pic), I held it above the water for a moment, you know maybe an inch or so, and Mo the gudgeon jumps out and grabs it. Normal behavior, or special fish? I think it was hunger. :huh: Is this normal? CFC or Ryan will probably be the only one who actually know what this fish is :rolleyes: He's just so well fed (fat), I would have never thought it was in his ability. I love that fish
I'm not to surprised, alot of fish will jump for food if they see it, Oscars are a good example as well as few other predators for example my African Butterfly Fish will jump if I hold food close to the surface, as I discovered when feeding once!
Perfectly normal morgurnda behaviour, they are real pigs and get really excited at the sight of food.

I love these fish too, ive been keeping them for the last 4 years and breeding them for the last year of that, a great little fish, bit like a cross between and snakehead and a cichlid without the nasty traits of either.

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