Uh Ooh


Team TetraTEC
Feb 2, 2011
Reaction score
Oxford - UK
Big(ish) spawn this weekend :D


Small spawn from a few weeks ago:


Got 21 on the go in there :eek:
I'll be selling them in the new year when the weather picks up ;)
how often do they spawn??? As i'm sure i have males and females, unless some are younger than the others.
Thats a pretty looking egg laying. looks like stars! lol
They spawn quite often really, sometimes i dont collect the eggs, but now my new rack/shelf unit is setup i thought i might have another crack at them.

I've got 2 x 30 litre fry tanks and a 90 litre grow out, which i'm looking to swap for a 125litre in the new year. I would get bigger but i dont have the space, plus a roma 125L will fit perfectly on the base of the rack. I'll just have to up the water changes and i might even get a small external for it.

I plucked those eggs out of my main tank with my fingers then ran up stairs and stuck them to the glass myself :)

My legs did ache a little from going back and forth....i dont plan to do that too often! ;D
Oh, that explains why they're so spread out! Couldn't figure that out.

I do really well just putting the eggs in a net and putting the net at the edge of the filter flow. They get constant water flow past them without being blown all over or left to rot.
Yeh, problem i found with that, is that they all group up and if you have one/two infertile ones in there they can very quickly get fungus on them and spread it to the surrounding eggs.

The ones on the glass are not perfectly done, there are a few clumps of them, but it does help stop the fungus spreading and the small spray bar thats aimed at them helps quite a bit too. (not that you can see it from that piccy.)
10 eggs with fungus in the end, infertile, might have affected a few others too so i ditched em, otherwise, must be a few hundred wrigglers tonight :D
i dont want to sound stupid here but how do you move the eggs safely. If say the eggs were on the glass how do you get them off without damaging them? My cousins have just started spawning and i asked him to rescue some eggs before the guppy get them but he didnt know how to and neither do i although i did know it could be done.
Just roll the eggs onto your finger and transfer them, others use a credit card or similar to scrape them off. Try to leave them for around 15 mins to harden up if newly laid or they'll pop when you touch them.
I want my cories to breed eventually, but I first need to figure out what sex they are. There is one fat one that I am pretty sure is a female. There is another that fits the "male" description, but I am unsure. If they would sit still i would try to get a pic of them together

Congrats on your spawn Tizer!!! Maybe I will have something other than livebearer fry eventually.
i dont want to sound stupid here but how do you move the eggs safely. If say the eggs were on the glass how do you get them off without damaging them? My cousins have just started spawning and i asked him to rescue some eggs before the guppy get them but he didnt know how to and neither do i although i did know it could be done.

The easiest way for me is to get them under my index finger nail.

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