Uh oh


Fish Connoisseur
Feb 16, 2008
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Yesterday morning the Webex infrastructure was down so I unexpectedly had some spare time while I sat in front of the computer.
  • Perhaps I should look at tanks
  • How about a nano?
  • Hmmm - the Superfish QubiQ 30 looks nice - and its really inexpensive (That's 30 litres so really small)
  • Yes but what would I put in it?
  • How about ember tetras and pygmy corys?
  • Nah - I already have a tetra and cory tank
  • Shrimp?
  • Have those too
  • Betta
  • Not something I want to keep
  • Something different
  • Hmmm - well I really want to get back into marine
  • Nano reef?
  • Sounds good - but I will want coral, so that means lots of stuff the QubiQ does not have
  • Well there are some really nice all in one marine nanos out there
  • The Innovative Marine / Nuvo 20G looks really good
  • Yes, and they do a 25G and a 40G (and a 50)
Thankfully no stock in the UK at present, so my bank account can start breathing again :rofl:

Take care out there people. These are dangerous times indeed.
I feel that.

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