Uh Can Betta's Dig?


Fish Crazy
Jul 30, 2004
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:huh: So.. I looked over to see my betta Dhani doing this:


Some food must have fell into the gravel and he is trying to get it :D Can you get a side or front picture of him doing that?
Some food must have fell into the gravel and he is trying to get it :D Can you get a side or front picture of him doing that?

I'd have to turn the tank, as the tank is on a little shelf on/in my computer desk and it would disrupt dhani.

He's stopped doing it, but I looked into the little pit he had made when doing that, and there is some betta bits (food) stuck down in there, lol.

I also notice that Dhani seems to do the little betta dance when he's hungry which is alot, and i'm always paranoid that if I feed him whenever he dances that he'll get constipated and then die, so I dont feed him all the time when he dances, is this ok??
You can feed him while he's doing the dance. I do whenever I walk over to my bettas tank they go to the top and start pacing back and forth waiting for the food.
But he sometimes does that dance more than three times a day.. is this safe to feed him like that??

I know somewhere it says to feed Betta's 2-3 times a day, and like 2-4 betta bits, but 3 times a day and 2 to 4 bits.. whoa! :crazy: that seems like alot of food for such a little guy
How much do you feed him? I only feed my bettas 2 granules once a day and there fine.
Wow Durbkat... I'd suggest you feed them a little more. While they may seem fine, they could use more food.

I feed mine 4-5 pellets twice a day. Once when I wake up, once when I'm going to bed.

Lady, I wouldn't feed him EVERY time he dances for you. It would be the same as giving your dog a treat every time he followed you around and sat, begging for one. Just because he's "begging" doesn't mean that he's hungry, and too much food would only be a bad thing. But one extra pellet every once in a while sure wouldn't harm him. :D
Well I used to feed them 3 to 4 granules but my mom said that that was to much and made me cut back to 2 granules. :grr:
Does your mom sit there and count out the food and watch you put it into the tank? I doubt it. Don't let her lack of knowledge of proper care stop YOU from caring for them properly. I'd up to at LEAST three pellets twice a day. They'd be much happier for it.
Does your mom sit there and count out the food and watch you put it into the tank? I doubt it. Don't let her lack of knowledge of proper care stop YOU from caring for them properly. I'd up to at LEAST three pellets twice a day. They'd be much happier for it.

Yeah I feed my betta two to three pellets twice daily. Once in the morning and then before I go to bed.
Same with my guppys :)

I'm also afraid to get Dhani some treats like blood worm or whatever they are, cuz I don't want him to get hook worm or some sort of disease from them, so I think i'll give him ONE pellet .. when he dances, it all depends on how many pellets he got for Breakfast and Dinner, hehe.
I only feed my bettas once a day, sometimes once every 2 days. They are happy and healthy. When I do feed them they get 4-5 betta bites. Being that they are cold blooded they do not have to eat every day. If your water is on the cool side (72ish) they will metabolize their food slower than if the water is warmer. Don't feel like you have to feed him every time he dances. He may just be happy to see you.
I'm also afraid to get Dhani some treats like blood worm or whatever they are, cuz I don't want him to get hook worm or some sort of disease from them, so I think i'll give him ONE pellet .. when he dances, it all depends on how many pellets he got for Breakfast and Dinner, hehe.

Why are you afraid to give them bloodworms? I feed my Zebra Danio and Mickey Mouse Platy: Daphnia and Brine Shrimp...freeze-dried. They are actually a VERY good supplement for Bettas and will not give them a disease. Where did you hear that? :/ You can feed freeze-dried, because they don't have the little toxin that live worms do. I reccomend feeding them, but it is not required. Bettas do enjoy them and are very healthy for them!
Not really because freezed dried blood worms can make a betta constipated really easy so don't get the freezed dried kind get the frozen kind or live bloodworms all you have to do with live ones is rinse them off really well before you feed it to the fish.

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