Ughhhhh! I Can't Believe I Forgot This!


Fish Fanatic
Jun 16, 2013
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So I have 6 tanks and I left on a six day trip. I brought the five smaller ones downstairs for the pet sitter to feed. I was going to put a 3 day feeder in the big one so she wouldn't have to deal with it. Well in all the commotion I forgot to put the three day feeder in the tank. I left and didn't think about it the whole time. When i arrived home tonight I saw my fishtanks on the counter and started to feed those fish when it hit me that I had totally forgot about the bigger tank. I ran upstairs to find that I could only see one fish. I have converted all my fish tanks to bettas and goldfish and so I only had 3 goldfish in the big tank. I looked all over the tank and discovered the other 2 behind the filter. They appeared to be dead. I got very upset and fed the other one that seemed like it would pull through. I was just gonna leave the other two until morning because I was just not in the mood to remove the dead fish. But then I decided to move them out from behind the filter for whatever reason. Upon doing so I realized that they were still alive but barely... So I fed them and they ate. I also added some melafix. I think they will pull through but I don't know. I am so mad at myself....
Just so you know, if you ever see anything dead in your tank, you really need to remove it as dead things can quickly foul your water, particularly dead fish. 
Do frequent water changes, feed small amounts (but do so regularly) and you should see some improvement. Were they stuck to the filter or just floating behind it? Also, for that number of goldfish you've got to have a pretty large tank. How big is it? Do you have pictures? We love pictures here.
Behind. And yes I know I have just had a terrible day and I was gonna take them out. Its just the first thing I said when I saw them was screw it. lol I will make a new post and take some pics

and I'm actually not a new member I have been her like a year and a half but my other account got messed up so I had to make a new one
Fish don't actually need feeding every day and have seen some people say on here that they can manage a week without feeding from external source. They eat micro-organisms on plants and similar within the tank.
So don't beat yourself up - they will be just fine as long as the water quality was good before you left.
Leaving fish for 6 days is not really an issue.... in the wild some fish wont eat for a few days at a time so I dont think that will be the cause of the issue... perhaps when you turned the lights on they shot for cover and behind the filter was the first option? After being in the dark for a few days fish can get spooked.
I only feed my Catfish once a week, but I reckon they may be a special case.
No they were having trouble swimming and were half dead and the black moor has some small wounds..
I suspect there is something else going on. Have you checked your water parameters? 
SeaGoddess said:
Behind. And yes I know I have just had a terrible day and I was gonna take them out. Its just the first thing I said when I saw them was screw it. lol I will make a new post and take some pics

and I'm actually not a new member I have been her like a year and a half but my other account got messed up so I had to make a new one
What was your old username?  Just out of curiosity.
SeaGoddess said:
No they were having trouble swimming and were half dead and the black moor has some small wounds..
If you keep Goldfish in with female Bettas in a 5g what more can you expect? I did explain in another post that this won't stop the bullying you have been witnessing - the female Betta won't just "get used" to the others. 
Now I am sorry to post on almost every one of your topics and I understand you are only 13 but please try and just take on board a little of our advice?
I'm confused, seaGoddess wrote she had them in the big tank.......surely a 5 gallon is not "the big tank"!?
Meeresstille said:
I'm confused, seaGoddess wrote she had them in the big tank.......surely a 5 gallon is not "the big tank"!?
Yeah that is the "big tank".
I just found some other threads started by SeaGoddess that talked about it in more detail, I am stunned!  

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