Ugh...When it Rains


Hope springs new each morning. Be sure to get enough rest for the baby.

It's ok to cry. Then take a nap and start a new day. :*
Bweh, all I do anymore is sleep and eat and play with my critters and sleep somemore, but thank you so much for the concern.

I sat down, snarfed some mint-choco chip ice cream, bawled for a good two hours, threw the spoon at my hubby when he got home and felt a bit better...a pillow and the remote followed soon after and I am now feeling more stable. Showed him the fish in a zip-loc in the freezer, screamed at him for a good 15 minutes and then sulked for the next half hour or so. I then needed snugles and was promptly given such with promises of new fish (I don't want new fish you moron! give me back my babies!) I cried some more and then slept.

I now am feeling better...but those empty tanks are driving me nutty...I had to put them in the closet because I'd feel horrible when I looked at them.

My poor kitten has been crying on and off all day, wondering where her fishy is (she's still little, about 9 weeks old) and the dog has just annoyed me because it is a mooch and is currently wanting my pizza.

Generally I feel better, but that dang guilt is going to chew me up... :look:
Well, you're right about where all that false guilt comes from!

RandomWitkor may be right, maybe it's time to take a step back, reassess, make a new plan.

You could take a break and focus on the new baby and the hubby. Sounds like a pleasant fellow.

I have started a miniture tank with just pygmy and minitures in it: honeys, sparklers, otos, pygmy cories, neons, semi planted. I would like a cockatoo community and maybe harlequins. Maybe something like that would be good for your smallish tank. Mine is in an Eclipse 12, but I would like to get a few more usg so I can add the cockatoos.

Whatever you decide, you are a caring young woman with a kind heart. Ane very fortunate in your family.

Sounds like you have your plate a little full. Putting the tanks away for now in order to make room for the beautiful new time consumer you have coming was probably a wise choice.

Just a day at a time with a little help. :)
Yeah, David is a saint to put up with my moods like he does. These hormones are driving me nuts, I used to be completely mellow...never got agitated at anything.

The thing is, while I am putting up the two 10 gallons not in use and the few some-odd 2.5-5 gallons, I really want to keep the rest of my tanks (all seven, ranging from 10g to 75) and the 'betta huts' strewn about the house.

I'm a high risk pregnancy (ovarian cysts when I was younger really screwed me up) though so I am wanting to keep the tanks because they lower stress (when stuff doesn't suddenly happen like this) and my blood pressure. They also give me something to do/watch during the day because I don't like being on the computer too much and I don't like to watch alot of TV. I have a garden in the backyard that I take care of and I'm currently working with 3 feral foster kittens (No worries, vet checked and they all have a clean bill of health.)

I know I sound busy, but I'm actually horrendously bored. xP I wanna do what I can do now, because soon my happy tush won't be doing too much because I'll be fairly...gravid.

Tedium..I'll just harass all the boys with a bloodworm all bloodworm, ont tank at a time...that will eat up about 2 hours. xD
Sounds like you have a good handle on your plan. I 'm sure I wouldn't get rid of my est. tanks easily. :grr: :flex:

Just take it a step at a time. Sounds like that's about all you can do :lol: You and kitty can console one another and watch your fishorama.

Forced retirement can be annoying. Sounds like sleep is part of your prescription. Are you being watched for depression? It's easy to get overwhelmed when there are so many assaults on the body, mind and spirit.

I think you'll do fine.

For all their postives, hormones are a big B!
:*) I honestly have the 'You have have my fish, when you pry them from y cold dead fingers (or if they're livebearers and taking over again)' outlook. =P Hubby wanted my Rosy barbs for his office...I told him he can have them when....well, I won't get into that. :D

I am being watched for depression...and watched like a hawk for my eating anything I should not...I miss my coffee and Dr. Pepper... Sleep is the main part of my perscription....bleh, I just can't stand it...I wanna go play with the other boys and girls. :)

Of course I could amuse myself by trying to move my khuli loaches to another tank, :p they're monsters when it comes to speed. I love to play with them, they like to follow fingers. Emmy, however, is pleased that I moved my delta platinum/copper into the tank and is now watching him...he's not too sure about that just yet.

I recently (today) went to Walmart and bought color coordinating gravel/glass bead thing for each of my betas...that was interesting. Naturally I was looking that the betas and I saw this putridly dead beta floating in dark, dark brown water. :sick: I had been wondering what that horrid smell was. I changed the water in a few cups and then hunted down the night manager, funky cup in hand. She had to nerve to tell me it must have died that day because 'Staff take out the dead fish every morning' fish does -not- rot that fast. When I told her I changed the water she was like 'M'am you can't do that, we have a policy we need to obey, I asked her if allowing fishes to rot in the tanks was part of that policy. She sputtered on that one a monent, falling back on the cleaned every morning story. I then asked her why the same oscar from Saturday was still floating. (Very obviouslt the same one as it was the only oscar....why they have them in the first place....ugh) She started with "M'am, maybe you don't know what you're talking about. They're just fish anyway."

:angry: Oh yeah, I opened up a good half hour lecture on her, got the district managers number and have called leaving several complaints.

Before I left she 'scolded' me again on messing with the bettas....I 'politely' explained to her that 'Either the policy needs to be changed or it's not being adhered to if I was disgusted enough to go out of my way to clean up your fish department. I drumped the basket of glass beads and pebbles (every betta nook was getting new rocks, as was the 20 gal) at her feet and proceeded to another store.

Ok, I admit I didn't handle that in the best way, but I am hormonal and that woman had the gall to act like I had committed a terrible crime and that I was some sort of moron that didn't know what I was talking about. Sheesh, those fish probably had nicer water than they'd ever had in their life, dechlored with the expensive stuff, stress coat and then a bit of ich treatment for those that needed it. A large grain of salt all the way around, too.

:rolleyes: Looking back at it now, I know I seem like a nutcase.

Hormones rule my life right now...and I hate them because they make me do the silliest things...
You ARE NOT a nutcase, you are standing up for what you believe in!
Rock on Girlfriend!!!!
What you should of done was take some of the water and show her it if she says that speal about every morning dump it on her head :hey:. We have one place taht is part of the OATA and there tanks were an advert for how not to look after fish
Just take a deep breath and pet kitty awhile. :p Find a quiet place and picture tropical streams full of beautiful fish and you foating serenely with pretty betta boys bringing double mint choco chip on large spoons for you to snarf. :lol:

Count to ten twice and consider watching the blood pressure. :rofl: (I have hypertension. Had to spend time in the hospital with a minor stroke and then in rehab learning to stand up and walk again.) You think your living room is annoyingly boaring?--HAH! Spend a couple-three weeks in a hospital bed. :crazy: And I know you want to avoid that. :no: Maybe you already have been there, done that.

When I have to do something hard I remember the carrots in front and the sticks behind the donkey. A little fire at the feet, to mix a few metaphores.

I never was able to quit the coffee and cigs at that time though. I did quit cigarettes after the stroke and some Welbutrin--Yea! pharmacueticals! By that time the hormone problem was a dead issue. :byebye:

As you already know the good diet (this is mommy talk, which will soon be your new job) will help the hormone balance. I used to be a B at hormone time. I couldn't control my tirades when I got started, so I learned to choose to stay away from situations that would get me out of control. :lol: Slowly I learned to be in control by making better choices.

When my boss would bring me into his office to talk annoying stuff to me, if my hormones were out of balance, I would tell him, "This is a bad time, Leo; it's my time." He would sputter and spurt and send me out for another day. :rofl: :rofl:

Some things we can control and some things we can't. The trick is knowing the difference.

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