
Aug 25, 2003
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First of all, does this stand for underground or under gravel filter?

I have one of these, a very old one. I used it at first in my 16gal tank, but this was years ago and I've used a Fluval 2 inner filter since. I tried searching the forums but the whole words gave little result and searching for UGF doesn't work, as the words need to be at least 4 characters.

What's the opinion on these things nowadays? Is an UGF a good option or not? Is there any point in me keeping it around, in case I set up another 16gal or smaller?
Ack, just tried the search again and got my answers this time. The forums I have used usually keep the default time to search in at "any date", didn't realise this one was different. :/ Sorry for the trouble, I'd delete this thread but I can't find the option for it.
Under Gravel Filters are still very popular, for some reason, but frankly I'm not sure why as they don't seem very effective to me. I've heard they're better if you have a powerhead, rather than running them off an air-pump but even so. To clean the tank you practically have to do a total strip-down and they can easily be rendered useless by plants, bogwood and rocks on top of them.

Just my opinion. YMMV.
Like AA said really, I think that there alot less effective / convenient than the more modern filters, but i would hang onto it anyway, you never know when you might have a fishy emergency to deal with. I managed to break my powerhead today whilst cleaning it, im glad the shops where still open but i didnt half panic!!!


:p :p :p :p
They were the mainstay of fishkeeping for decades so they can't be all bad! From the '60's I used air operated ugf's and later started putting powerheads on them. They have their problems but what doesn't.

I would certainly agree that modern filters are easier, and probably better though. I don't think I would set up a new tank with a ugf.
Ok I had a friend who used an undergravel filter but not as a filter as such, they actually had an external filter from which they ran the outlet INTO the UGF so that water was passing up through it, stops all the sludge etc from collecting in it. Wouldn't be of much use with sand but works a treat with gravel, tank always looked spotless, was going to try it with my current tank but the work involved in either getting a pentagonal one or cutting it down put me off.
UGF's as alone filters have kept fish alive for 40-50 years like LL mentioned. Personally, I don't like them because I mainly have only kept cichlids and they dig which wouldn't make a UGF a practical choice.

Others I know swear by them and use them to great success. I wouldn't use them even if I didn't have cichlids but I can't argue with others that like them as they are a mainstay in this hobby. :)

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