
Stop prasing Linux. Yes, it's great for servers, but it can't compete with either OSX or Windows at the desktop level.

The statistics only confirm my statement: http://www.w3schools.com/browsers/browsers_os.asp

That is just opinion.

Those statistics (gained from analysing the computers that access one set of servers) are not that great as they will include all the work computers where one person decides on a huge number of computers. Hell, the page itself points out that just relying on statistics like these is pointless.

I find Ubuntu far better than Mickey Mouse Soft for a desktop and loathe every minute of having to work with the botch job that is XP when I am at work. Everyone is just used to windows, and many people don't like change.

Notice that when they wanted a good, stable and reliable OS for the £100 laptop they chose linux. M$ bloatware just wouldn't work in that sort of situation.
Those statistics (gained from analysing the computers that access one set of servers) are not that great as they will include all the work computers where one person decides on a huge number of computers.
Funny, because if that's the case then companies obviously don't see any future in Linux as a desktop OS either.
I find Ubuntu far better than Mickey Mouse Soft for a desktop and loathe every minute of having to work with the botch job that is XP when I am at work.
I run Adobe CS Suite, Cinema 4D, Vue d'Esprit and some other professional software and really nice games like Company of Heroes or the future World in Conflict with blazing speed and you have to stick to slow and unreliable emulation software or products that are largely inferior. If that makes you happy, great, I care more about the quality of the applications that I’m running and their speed and not the quality of the OS.

What Linux users need to do is to stop with childish Microsoft bashing with nicknames like M$ and Mickey Mouse Soft like you do and focus on themselves first and stop coming up with dumb excuses that people don’t switch to Linux because they don’t like change. If that’s the case, then explain to me why more and more people continue to switch to Mac, which has actually become more popular than Linux over the last few years.

But I don’t want to start a flame here, I’m just trying to convince you that Microsoft/Windows bashing doesn’t bring you anywhere.
Those statistics (gained from analysing the computers that access one set of servers) are not that great as they will include all the work computers where one person decides on a huge number of computers.
Funny, because if that's the case then companies obviously don't see any future in Linux as a desktop OS either.

Or it proves that M$ marketing means that it became a monopoly, so almost all apps are designed for M4 and M$ alone. Think about just how many internet browser standards IE doesn't stick to.

I run Adobe CS Suite, Cinema 4D, Vue d'Esprit and some other professional software and really nice games like Company of Heroes or the future World in Conflict with blazing speed and you have to stick to slow and unreliable emulation software or products that are largely inferior. If that makes you happy, great, I care more about the quality of the applications that I’m running and their speed and not the quality of the OS.

Sounds like you like programs that necessitate M$. Doesn't make it a better OS which you yourself admit. The fact that linux doesn't fall over all the time, nor get hacked down to the core so often, makes it a far better choice for me, and most computer users who use their computer for word processing, spreadsheets, email and browsing. Add to this the fact that some games are quicker through WINE than M$ and you have a winning OS (not to mention the huge financial savings).

What Linux users need to do is to stop with childish Microsoft bashing with nicknames like M$ and Mickey Mouse Soft like you do and focus on themselves first and stop coming up with dumb excuses that people don’t switch to Linux because they don’t like change.

But that is the main reason, people are afraid to leave the monopoly. My Mrs was very sceptical, until we changed and she realised she could do everything just the same. She would never have switched on her own, but now prefers linux to M$. Most people are scared of the teccy image of linux.

If that’s the case, then explain to me why more and more people continue to switch to Mac, which has actually become more popular than Linux over the last few years.

Because Mac is a one box solution. It's still based on unix, so is not a million miles from Linux. Quite a few Mac users dual boot. Note that all these people are drifting away from M$ though. What does that tell you? Maybe that endless bad updates, security holes and horrendous times trying to configure networks has driven people out of the monopoly? How does one truly find out how popular Ubuntu is? I still have M$ XP on my box. That could, in theory, make me an XP user, but it hasn't been booted for 3 months, and used properly for over 12 months. I don't like an OS that deletes all the network card drivers on its own leaving me a long arduous task to get them back (seeing as I can't connect to the internet without them).

I only started to look into linux for one reason: M$ was crap. It took ages to try and set up the wireless network, and then it failed so often it became pointless. I installed ubuntu and the network setup took an entire 5 minutes (most of which was looking for the key). M$ was buggy as hell, and no joy at all.

I'll stick to reliable, stable and secure thanks.
I'll stick to reliable, stable and secure thanks.
Good for you then you probaly don't mind that we Windows users use better appliactions and games than you.

Just a tip to avoid that you look like a noob; don't compare Linux with Mac or Windows, because it makes your arguments look...welll... a bit foolish, since Linux is a kernel, Windows is an OS and a Mac is a computer.

Oh and btw; don't have sleepless nights knowing that we Windows users are still using XP or Vista, I can ensure you that most of us are doing just fine. :good:
I'll stick to reliable, stable and secure thanks.
Good for you then you probaly don't mind that we Windows users use better appliactions and games than you.

Better like what? I browse the web, use email and dabble in programming. Which applications are better on windows than linux for that?

Just a tip to avoid that you look like a noob; don't compare Linux with Mac or Windows, because it makes your arguments look...welll... a bit foolish, since Linux is a kernel, Windows is an OS and a Mac is a computer.

Of course. And pedantic points that really affect the argument. I mean, you will never see any journalists compare Mac to Windows to Linux at all will you. Oh wait, that's wrong, they do. Maybe you should write to most computer journalists and programmers telling them they are n00bs. I am sure all the analyst programmers that keep banks' computers online will feel they are a n00b because they compare the linux family of OS to Windows without actually specifying which distro, or just refer to Mac, rather than OS/X.

Then again, maybe they won't be bothered by the views of an M$ fanboy. :D

The fact you have to put that really does make you look the n00b. Did you just read that on the interweb and get desperate to try and bring in your new found knowledge? :D

Oh and btw; don't have sleepless nights knowing that we Windows users are still using XP or Vista, I can ensure you that most of us are doing just fine. :good:
Sleepless nights? I don't have any now I don't have to spend all night fixing bugs that any half decent programmer would have got rid of prior to releasing an OS. ;)
aha thanks - I use that on windows as well :D ubuntu is alright - I must admit I don't use it *that* much but gonna start using it again beacause the WoW forum is full of keyloggers :(
I still don't see why people would even waste time, On the internet, arguing about an OS.

I have both linux and windows. I wouldn't slate either, But I would commend linux for their undoubtably secure OS's.

Windows, For the business just dosen't work. Small business for the most part are fine using windows.
I work for a company that basically does install and support of servers, desktops, workstations etc.

Linux is more secure, Linux is more stable, Linux dosen't cost you £200+ for a retail copy.

Linux users dont phone the office every other day saying their computers wont boot, Keep restarting, keep blue screening, Randomly lock up... You see where im going.

If you use windows and have never had a problem then thats great, If you downloaded linux once and got frustrated because you didn't even get it installed thats because its different, And anything you do you will always compare to to windows.

Anyway, I'm heading back over to the tropical forums :)

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