With as small as he is now, he will probably be OK for a while, but if you are able to put him in a bigger tank the more so better for the eel. Oh, and good luck catching him

, mine wouldn't even fall for the clear soda bottle trick which I tried for weeks
As for the angels, I would say that depends on how big they are, and if your tyre track prefers to take live food. With the eel's juvenile size he should be getting fed every day, and may put on about an inch a month given the proper conditions. Angels can get large, but unless they are pretty well grown they have a pretty skinny profile, which would make them an easy target for the eel to predate upon.
From what I have read and seen, most tyre track eels are very predatory and nearly impossible to wean off of live foods. Mine is a very adept predator, I have lost fish I never would have dreamed he would try to take due to their size. When he strikes, he grabs fish over directly over their gill plates and then swallows them in one bit. If he takes a fish (certainly not intended for him to eat!) that is too large, he just kills it, but so far has never made a repeat kill of the same species. Albeit he is very peaceful, but his eyes can be bigger than his mouth!