tyre track eels


Fish Addict
May 9, 2004
Reaction score
Essex UK
hi all

would an tyre-track eel eat snails??

because i want to move my 5 snails into his tank but dont want him to eat them if i do

How big of tank is your tyre track eel in? You might want to pm CFC and ask him, he would definatly know
None of the spiney eels are known for eating snails so i would be 99% certain they would be safe, but there is always a 1% chance of the unusual happening.
i have a fire eel and he's never eaten a snail(that i know of)should be fine :nod:
my eels normally eats bloodworm but he has eaten a few fish b4 but most of time his fine with his tank mates an loves hangin around with the plecs

what else could i feed him id like to try some new foods for him??

my neighbor has a tyre track eel and it has eaten anything that can fit in its mouth. they once had a bright blue lobster that was way bigger than it but it still cleaned it out. :/
try prawns,mussles,cockles,etc.why not try frozen sand eels.mine is just fussy and only eats earth worms. :nod:
I feed my tyre track blackworms, gut-loaded ghost shrimp, guppy fry, and the very occasional mealworm. I am sure he also gets all the molly fry in the tank.

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