Typhlonectes Natans Or Rubber Eel


New Member
Aug 18, 2005
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Does anyone else here have one of these in their tank... I have put it in with my livebearers and they are getting along fine, but was wondering if perhaps there could be problems as it gets bigger. At the moment it does not bother the fish, just searches in the gravel for food... Lin
It depends what sort of livebearers you have, and they will eat the fry of any of them. Most amphibians aren't suitable for keeping with most fish, though there are some exceptions (eg. african dwarf frogs). If you give us more info. we should be able to say more, size of tank, type of livebearer, size of sicilian worm, etc.
Hi, I seem to have duplicated my request, I didn't think my last question had gone online but it had, so thanks for replying.

My tank is 180litre and I have two hoplosternums of about 6" each, one small plec and all the rest are livebearers, mollies, guppies and platties. Most of them were born in the tank and at the moment there are quite a lot of them although I don't think excessive for the size of tank, but am keeping my eyes peeled.

My eel has been in there for well over a month now and I see him for a short time each evening, when he appears he is surrounded by curious fish, but seems to have no inclination to eat them. He is at present the thickness of my ring finger and about 11" long. I have put a couple of earthworms in, but they get eaten by the hoplos before they even reach the bottom.

The eel just seems to go under the substrate and come out every now and then. I have heard that it can exist on what it finds on the bottom and catfish tablets... the ones I put in for the hoplos and plec.
I hope I am not being cruel in keeping him in these conditions, he seems perfectly okay at the moment and the fish are not disappearing either! Linda

ps I could put a photo but not sure how to do that on this site... do you have to make a financial contribution do you know?
I could put a photo but not sure how to do that on this site... do you have to make a financial contribution do you know?

no, TFF is totally free :thumbs: however, because it's free, there's limited image-hosting capabilities. your best bet is sign up for www.photobucket.com or another free image-hosting service. just upload your picture there and then copy-paste the
Well, my little eel seems to be happy, he tends to be found mostly inside a log so when I put frozen bloodworm in, I put one piece in the water to keep the fish's attention, then slip one inside the log and hope he gets it.

Have found more info on them on the web and apparently they can live from 5 to 10years which surprises me and they also shed, so as they love clean water, will have to keep my eyes peeled for the skins.

Although the info I have found says, like you did Moray, that they will eat fry, I seem to just be getting more and more guppy and platty fry, so think my tank is just going to have to sort itself out, after all I don't want too many little fish, so think it will all balance out. My eel is around 11inches long.

I am going to attempt to put a pic on now... my tank is 180lt and there is plenty of space for him...

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