Well, my little eel seems to be happy, he tends to be found mostly inside a log so when I put frozen bloodworm in, I put one piece in the water to keep the fish's attention, then slip one inside the log and hope he gets it.
Have found more info on them on the web and apparently they can live from 5 to 10years which surprises me and they also shed, so as they love clean water, will have to keep my eyes peeled for the skins.
Although the info I have found says, like you did Moray, that they will eat fry, I seem to just be getting more and more guppy and platty fry, so think my tank is just going to have to sort itself out, after all I don't want too many little fish, so think it will all balance out. My eel is around 11inches long.
I am going to attempt to put a pic on now... my tank is 180lt and there is plenty of space for him...