Types Of Shrimp?


Fish Addict
Apr 25, 2007
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Anyone know a good site that have all the different kinds of shrimp there are for freshwater aquariums...

And Do any of them go on the bioload?
Generally shrimp are regarded as being low/no bio load since they clean up leftovers and don't produce a lot of waste. Whether to count them or not depends how many you plan to add :)

You could try looking at petshrimp.com, they have a fairly good list of the various freshwater species you will generally see available.
Well okay, in my 20 Gallon High tank I'm going to have the following...

2 Guppies = 2"
3 Platies = 2.5"
3 Neon Tetras = 1.5"
1 Bloodfin Tetra = 3" (Soon to be getting rid of s/he)

;; Total of 19" ;;

Think it will hurt to add--
2 Ghost Shrimp <----
2 Crystal Red Shrimp
2 Hawaiian Red Shrimp
I think Hawaiian Reds are brackish - they're supposed to be really hardy, and will probably be fine short term, but eventually it'll catch up with them.
Both guppies and platies can breed pretty fast, and that could add to the bioload greatly - that'd be my main concern for bioload, actually. The Crystal Reds might notice that bioload change pretty fast, and that'll be bad.

Those would be my main concerns. Bioload wise, the tank is fine the way it is, you may even be able to add more shrimp... but in the future, the bioload may be a bit different.
Is the tank heavily planted ? The shrimp are going to need lots of hidey holes and they love to graze on the micro fauna around plants.

I'd think half a dozen small shrimp should be no problem, I'm not familiar with hawaian reds so can't comment about the specific breed.

As long as you stay on top of the tank conditions it should be fine. Keep in mind tho that the livebearers will increase the load by means of offspring, if they're mixed sex, whether you want them to or not :D
Here are the Shrimp Sites that I have in my favorites folder:

http://www.aquariumfish.net/indexes/critters.htm (click the shrimp link)

I can't personally vouch for any of these sites so check them out further before buying from them but at some point, I thought they had good information so I saved them in my favorites folder on shrimp.

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