Types Of Fish That Get Along Well With Danios.


New Member
Aug 23, 2013
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i an slightly new to the tropical scene.  i really like danios but like haveing allsorts in my tank.  
i have two long fin zebra danios. a blue danio, a gold leopard and a silver leopard.
i also have two gold white cloud mountain minnow and four silver.  
did have two paradise fish but the were very agressive to eachother and to the other fish. 
also the danios and mountian minnow have pretty much schoold together and get along very well.
any other tropicals that will be a good addition to the tank?
What size is the tank?
What temperature is the tank at?
What is your pH?

A photo of your tank might help as well :)
Depends what you want, colour, intresting behaviour? I have danios in my tank becuase I think the're really intresting and fun to watch, I'm going to be adding some Corydoras soon. The corydoras are a nice catfish that work well with danios. Neon tetras are good as well for a bit of colour, they are similiar to the white clouds in size. My danios are quite nippy and will pick on any fish thats a bit slower so go for faster moving fish. Some people put Guppies in their tanks with danios but the danios can nip their fins a bit, though this is genrally reduced if you keep them in a large shoal.
Hope that helps a bit =)
P.S I havn't kept a huge variety of fish so I am still fairly new to the hobby.
cory cats and tetras are pretty good fish too put with danios. And sometimes a betta may work but u would have to be careful because those danios are very big fin nippers and its hard to resist with those long flowing fins:D:cool:
oops did not read the part about the mountain minnows do not put a betta in with them they have very different tank temps

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