I was thinking of just using a blue background with all the plants I have but then noticed some real nice looking backgrounds at a LFS. What should I do
Don't know what it's called but it's black and bumpy you stick it to the inside of your tank. Juwel make it and it looks fantastic like a rock face effect. Try that.
I just paint the back, and depending on it's location, the sides, black, with a couple of coats of ordinary blackboard paint, (on the outside of the tank of course).
I've used a bright marine nackground with corals and other bright living things on the bottom. I've also used a roman/greek style background with an anicent white statue on it and white pillars appearing throughout. I used this one when I also had a giant greek/roman circle of pillars as my centerpiece. I have sinced removed almost everything unnatural in my tank (left flower pots for caves) and I stick with a plain black background. Bright colourful backgrounds often take away from the natural beauty of a tank, whereas a plain dark background accentuates the plants and fishes colours nicely.