Two Tanks - One Pump


New Member
Feb 26, 2011
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I have recently had cory fry (long story - did not want them) and they are outgrowing the breeding net. I need to grow them more before the LFS will take them off my hands. I have a spare heater and a plastic tub - is there a way of connecting this tub to the main tank - secondary peristaltic pump or the like - so the tub will be effectively cycled? I am not very technically minded but sumps must have something similar ? If this is possible what hardware do I need?
I'm guessing it's theoretically possible, though I would personally say it's less hassle to just set up a separate tank with a separate filter. I don't know how big your fry are right now but I can't imagine they'd be producing much waste. You could easily take some of the media from the filter in your main tank. It would be enough to process the waste and your main tank won't suffer for it if you replace the media you've taken with new - the bacteria will be back to their normal levels in the main tank within hours.
You could definitely set up your bucket as a sump. The way they work is to pump water from the sump to the tank above it and use an overflow to return the water to the sump. If the overflow piping is big enough to keep up with the pump, the level in the main tank is constant while the pump is running and drops a little when the pump is shut down. The most common method of setting up the overflow is to drill the tank for a pipe connection but various other overflow arrangements are also sometimes used.

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