Two Silly Betta Questions


Fish Crazy
Aug 20, 2011
Reaction score
Connecticut, USA
Okay, so I'm wondering if anyone can give me advice on good meds to help Betta fins regrow. I got a beautiful Betta from my lfs whom I love dearly, but came in rough shape. His fins are a bit tattered :( poor little guy. Is there any medicine or treatment to help him repair his fins (faster?) I have Pimafix and Melafix as standards for all of my tanks. Will either of these work?

Secondly - I'm thinking about a small tank mate for my Betta. I was pondering harlequin rasboras. Would that be an acceptable deal or should I just leave little man solo?
Hmm melafix is a great product to use. Yes i also need to know the tank size. Reccomended fish are
Neon Tetras Groups of 6
Cory Catfish Groups of 5
Bristlenose Catfish 10 Gallons

Probably solo because on your other fourm your tank was 5 gallons i think
Aww darn I was afraid of that. He'd probably become a territorial little #29###, huh?

#136###? Is "bug-ger" a cuss in the UK or something!?
Aww darn I was afraid of that. He'd probably become a territorial little #29###, huh?

#136###? Is "bug-ger" a cuss in the UK or something!?

Yes. I think you'll find it is in the States as well......
Profanity is very subjective! It startled me when I discovered that "bug-er" was censored as well... I always figured it was the "safe" blanket word for "oh darn" or "pain in the bum"... I guess we just need to bust out the thesaurus and come up with even MORE Socially acceptable terminology lol Sorry, I experienced the same thing, so I am commiserating. ;) but I digress...

If possible, Pygmy Corydoras always make an interesting addition. They need to be in groups, but they are smaller than regular Corydoras, and even "medium sized" ones (like Pandas and Skunks) I've been considering a small school of Pygmys.

Another GREAT addition is KUHLI Loaches!
I absolutely LOVE these guys, but they need to be in a group, AND they need LOTS of hiding spots (or you will never see them!) it's ironic but the more places you give them to hide, the more often you will see them OUT and about in the tank! The tiger striped Kuhlis are really pretty flashy additions as well, because when they do come out, everyone notices them! They are super timid, but if they feel secure they are all kinds of fun in a tank! The more the merrier!

Your tank size (and your fish's personalities) will ultimately determine compatibility.

Also good -depending on your fish- are freshwater shrimp! I know some people who keep Bettas with their FW Shrimp
Colonies... But MY bettas eat them! (which is also pretty common) my blue tiger shrimp are fascinating to watch, as are my boyfriends cherry and candy stripes... A friend of mine has a Betta who ignores the shrimp and they make a fascinating tank... But mine are savages. So it will depend on your Betta

Also dwarf frogs are cool tank mates!
I never thought of that word as a swear till it censored me for saying it lol. Oh well. I use Bettafix for my bettas fins. I think it is the same thing as melafix though.
Bettafix isnt as strong as melafix, it is designed for betta's but its more of a water conditioner than a med.
Profanity is very subjective!

I would disagree slightly, in that the thing that is subjective is what you find acceptable to say - that particular word is a swear word, whether or not you find it acceptable. I find it acceptable to drive at 35mph in a 30mph limit - doesn't make it legal though.

The majority of swear words have sexual links, and this is no exception.
Profanity is very subjective!

I would disagree slightly, in that the thing that is subjective is what you find acceptable to say - that particular word is a swear word, whether or not you find it acceptable. I find it acceptable to drive at 35mph in a 30mph limit - doesn't make it legal though.

The majority of swear words have sexual links, and this is no exception.

I understand what it is you are saying, however I stand by my original statement in that it really does depend on where you go, as different areas have definite differences of opinion about exactly what words or terms are socially acceptable. I understand the need to police these things in public areas as well.

Subjectivity is that different words mean slightly different things depending on where you are, and what the subculture you belong to finds acceptable. Having been around the world at least twice, it is a very real thing.

In reference to the sexual nature of swearing, I disagree. To a large degree you are correct, however there is also a strong association with "filth" rather than sexual material. As just as many cultures use implications of "uncleanliness" (literally "dirty" or references to feces or waste) as their profanity.

Personally, and I think I not alone here, never considered that particular word sexual in nature. I always assumed that it referenced something bothersome or annoying, I.e. Something specific that "bugs" you. Which I just never really though of as profane.

Anyway, I didn't consider it a "curse" or swear word, as I never really thought of it as being particularly insulting or degrading, or even "strong language" as I always thought it referenced a minor annoyance. And it sort of surprised me that it was on the verbal no-no list enough to get censored.

I accept that it's outside the rules HERE, but it just surprised me that it would be... It wasn't a case of trying to do 35 in a 30 zone... It as more appropriate to say "I was driving cautiously I just didn't realize the zone was 15 because the road sign simply said "caution"

Profanity is very subjective!

I would disagree slightly, in that the thing that is subjective is what you find acceptable to say - that particular word is a swear word, whether or not you find it acceptable. I find it acceptable to drive at 35mph in a 30mph limit - doesn't make it legal though.

The majority of swear words have sexual links, and this is no exception.

I understand what it is you are saying, however I stand by my original statement in that it really does depend on where you go, as different areas have definite differences of opinion about exactly what words or terms are socially acceptable. I understand the need to police these things in public areas as well.

Subjectivity is that different words mean slightly different things depending on where you are, and what the subculture you belong to finds acceptable. Having been around the world at least twice, it is a very real thing.

In reference to the sexual nature of swearing, I disagree. To a large degree you are correct, however there is also a strong association with "filth" rather than sexual material. As just as many cultures use implications of "uncleanliness" (literally "dirty" or references to feces or waste) as their profanity.

Personally, and I think I not alone here, never considered that particular word sexual in nature. I always assumed that it referenced something bothersome or annoying, I.e. Something specific that "bugs" you. Which I just never really though of as profane.

Anyway, I didn't consider it a "curse" or swear word, as I never really thought of it as being particularly insulting or degrading, or even "strong language" as I always thought it referenced a minor annoyance. And it sort of surprised me that it was on the verbal no-no list enough to get censored.

I accept that it's outside the rules HERE, but it just surprised me that it would be... It wasn't a case of trying to do 35 in a 30 zone... It as more appropriate to say "I was driving cautiously I just didn't realize the zone was 15 because the road sign simply said "caution"


+1 maybe it only means some thing that bugs us because we are in the states, totally agree with you tho.


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