Two New Plecos

That second plec. is lovely, I think I would have found it hard to resist as well, congrats on the purchase, nice looking plec. you have there :good:
Oh my lord, my magnum is an absolute machine eating algae! In the pictures you can see how thick and grubby the algae is on the rocks. Well on most of them he has pretty much cleaned them up to perfect slate again. Few patches where he's yet to go rasping on, but by-golly i'm impressed!

He/she is proving more usefull at eating algae than my two bristlenoses were last year! Haha

I'm loving my plecs!
Your new Magnum is stunning! I love the way his/her scales look almst like feathers, I've not seen that before. Is it a hider or nice and confident?
Mixed really. Sometimes I have to scour the tank looking for him, referring to it as a he because it feels easier lol. Other times you can see him rasping away in the open. So far I think he prefer to be nocturnal, which doesn't bother me at all as my tank is quite open as I changed it all around as of today, so I can see him whenever now.
I was at MA@Guildford earlier today and they had a Magnum there for £43. After seeing how gorgeous yours is I was rather tempted but funds don't allow at the moment :(
Funds didnt allow me at the time, but i went ahead. The purchase of my magnum put me a couple quid in the red haha. Luckily i have a savings account which i transfered a little across to keep me floating for the month lol :p Naughty, but worth it.

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