Two New Bettas


New Member
Jan 1, 2006
Reaction score
Milton Keynes
Went to the local fish store to ask advice on something, and came out with two beautiful male Bettas! :) We have two tanks, with guppies and albino corys - and not a Betta in each tank too! :)
Will try to get some pics - best I can do for now is say that the one in the kitchen is a blue, and the other one is a red. Fish store imported them from Bangkok apparently. Both seem to be settling in well, the one in the kitchen tank already found a tasty treat in the form of cory eggs! :D
Keep an eye on the one with the guppies... I have heard of some people keeping a betta in a guppy tank successfully, and I have heard of others who have had their guppies injured. Sometimes bettas will confuse guppies for other bettas because of their long colorful fins.

I would LOVE to see some pictures of the new boys!
Thanx for the tip - will keep anm eye on them, no probs so far though :)

We tried getting pics last night, but had no luck - the red boy is nervous, he hides when anyone goes near the tank. Camera batteries died too :( Will have another go later.

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