The Gars on the link are very similar but i think that Wharf actually may of said they were Florida Gars, however they are really similar even on the link. I am a but worried that the 2 smaller ones look like the crocodile gar that you warned me about. Anyway, the biggest 2 which we got from Wharf Richard assures me will be lucky to reach 2ft. If they do get bigger then i have the tank to accomodate them on it`s way once the fish room is finished. The smaller two were sold as Aligator Gars and they are definately not. The shop i got them from is always mis labelling their fish so i took no notice. If they do get bigger then they can also go in the big tank. Meanwhile, i don`t think any of them are likely to take on a mbu and they are swimming really happily together, rubbing on eachother.
I will try to get pictures but like i said it will be at least 2 weeks. I do appreciate your help though because these fish are so similar.
I knew that when i bought them so i did have in the back of my mind that they may get big and knew i could accomodate them.