two many fry ahhhhhh!!!!!!!


Fish Crazy
Nov 8, 2003
Reaction score
staffordshire uk
My guppie had fry last night and my swordtail had fry monday , so i have now about 30 molly fry 3 swordtail fry from 2 weeks ago 3 guppies from 3 weeks ago 4 swordtail fry from monday and 4 guppies from last night , and my silver molly is rather fat and so is my black molly , do they ever STOP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
livebearers are like rabbits, they are constantly at it. thats just the way it is. :lol:
nope youll have to find a ls to take them, but never kill them yourself they are so cute dont ever kill them
OMG how could you even say that :eek: :eek: , i couldent kill them i get stressed out when i see them get eaten by the bigger fish , i sat and watched the fry swim about last night , think some are to big to get eaten now , they are cute :wub: :wub:
thats what i was saying i dunno how ne 1 could kill them, that why mine are going to lfs for more people to share my wealth of fry :p :p :p
Fortunately I haven't had that problem yet. I could barely find one that's take my iridescent shark and goldfish. The people on this forum don't seem to be interested in buying fish from other people in the forum... (I know, I tried) I, personally, would let them get eaten if the lfs wouldn't take them. Getting swallowed is a quick, merciful death, i think... But I would try the lfs first.

(Comments not meant to be cruel, I personally would not like any of my fry to get eaten, and I knwo you feel the same way about yours.)
ha ha ha...
I got the beat all. howabout getting a batch of 70 OVERNIGHT? Well, I figured out the perfect solution. get tiger barbs! No more babies in that tank.
I know it sounds mean, but I was REALLY desperate.
Other wise, if you don't want to do something that drastic, separate the males from the females. That usually works. but I will warn you, guppy(and I'm sure swordtails too) females can store sperm for a long time, so you will have many babies to come even if you separate them.
And yes, thanks Many a molly, that is a great example. mice too.
guppy girl
U had better stop any more breeding of your fish by seprating the males from females! unless u want to keep trading them in :hey:
na im not stopping them breeding i think thats cruel because thats nature for them to breed and ne ways i get paid no so woohoo
hey guppygirl , i have a golden barb he does that job to , i can't bere to watch them get eaten :sad: i have just let 6 baby mollys out today they are doing fine , the others are to small yet to be let out but somone is giving me a 2 ft tank so i can put some in there :D
Hey Angel03!
Ya, it's pretty sad to watch them getting eaten. Though, it's better than having a million zillion guppies!!!
No, guppies never do stop.
So get used to it!!!
(not meant harshly)

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