Two Female Bettas


New Member
Jan 25, 2006
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Alaska for 18 years, now Cape Coral, FL almost 1 y
I have had two female bettas for about 6 months. I have also kept bettas before and even managed to beed them once. Now the problem i have now is the two i have fight if they are together. With other females i have kept before they wern't aggressive to other females and from what i have always thought the females get along with eachother, but i have to keep mine seprated. Why are they aggressive to eachother? -_-
I was going to go out and get a 5 gal for them (the tank they are in now is on;y a 1 gal with a devider) Would they get along in there if i added 1 more female and thoes 2 to the 5 gal?

Here is pics of them


1 gallon is too small for the both of them, I'd suggest either getting another 1 gallon and housing them separately or getting a 2.5 or 5 gallon and dividing it. You'd need a 10 gallon or larger to house them together, since you'd need at least 4 females to spread out the aggression and they'd need enough room to be by themselves for a while if needed.
I kept 4 females in a well planted 10 gallon. Here's what I learned, they can be just as aggressive as the males.Mine got along good for weeks and then all of sudden..three started to pick on my pastel female..I ended up removing her (she died anyway) and seperating all the others.

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