Twig Catfish


New Member
Feb 8, 2008
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Hi, in my community tank i had a Twig Catfish. We have just found him dead, halfway through a Java Fern plant that a snail had made a hole in. Are they able to swim backwards or are they more like Sturgeon's in that sense?! Obviously we would like another one now but will take out the Java's if they cant swim backwards. Also a few weeks ago it looked like he had "shed". I know this sounds bizzare but the "shed" was the same size as him and the same shape. Cant seem to find alot of info in books or on the net on them. Any help gratley recieved!!
Alexa & Rob :good:
It's not unheard of for some catfish to shed some skin. In fact, my banjos do it too. Makes a hell of a mess in the water, but cleans right out.

As for swimming backwards...I'm not sure about that. I have yet to see my catfish, of any sort, in a place where they can't turn around to get out of something.

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